China is getting worst everyday

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by negiqboyz, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Forgive me, but where I sit, I think that many people, and I mean a majority of people in the world, don't understand how governments, especially bad or greedy governments like the PRC, function. None of what the party does surprises me. Their's was a political birth borne from fire, yes, but also built on lies and political expedience at the expense of the people. Even the People's Liberation Army, the military tool of the party; their first purpose is NOT to defend China, but the party. One has to understand truly what Rule by Law means, as opposed to Rule of Law. And when all else fails, there's the blunt fist.
  2. Well understood. From that perspective, yes it's actually not surprising.

    It sure is frustrating and aggravating though.
  3. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I hope and pray that the people will revolt and overthrow the current Chinese government. With the modern techs and western influence, I am surprised that the so-called "large population" of China, Taiwan, Tibet, and Hong Kong combined couldn't even stand up to demand changes. Then again, Chinese are known throughout history to be "selfish" .. when troubles come, people run and save themselves rather than sticking together and fight till the end.

    There have to be sacrifices and possibly lots of bloodshed before changes happen .. just need to be relentless heading down the path together.

    Doubt it will happen .. lol
  4. As much as a revolution sounds nice and all, I wouldn't want it to happen.

    A Chinese revolution will have immense ramifications on world economy. China is well integrated in world economy, and if one knows anything about economy, one can realize that we won't survive another meltdown, considering we just got out of one.

    As much as I hate that Vietnam is being eaten up by China, I would gladly let China have Vietnam, if it means to prevent a revolution, which has immense economic consequences.

    Think about what would happen to the world if China had a revolution, from an economic standpoint.
  5. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    A revolution in China is not going to happen, as long as the economy is good and people are able to make a living, they won't care so much about the Central government's action on disputed lands. The people in control knows it's important to keep the people content, the standard of living is getting better for some but still a long way to go but things are changing and on certain subjects, people do have some say in it, sometimes local gov't will give way to the demand to those people if they make enough noise. As to the disputed territories, some places, China does have valid claims to it while others they don't. Whether they do or not, they know they have the power to push against these smaller countries, they are very good with their tactics in trying to get those territories.

    China is in need of raw materials and going to South America and Africa to do business with those countries governments is just another smart tactic, they go in there helping them by building infrastructure, medical needs, sending food etc. Of course, bribe some people as well. In return, or for low prices, China can mine and get those natural raw materials. Watched a story about China sending their own people over to certain countries to start business there with the help of the government. So, it's another way to get some Chinese people into those countries and take over and buy land. Those people are getting great opportunities to make money even knowing it can be risky. There are plans to everything they do and it's nothing new. So far, it's working even if the U.S and other countries know what they are doing and they do, they can't do anything about it. Most of it is legit business.
  6. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    On the contrary, if one knows about economics, then it's good to say that the economy will not crash over a revolution in China. It's just open up more opportunities.

    Look at the US, we survived the high tech bubble in the 90s and the housing crash in 00s. China may be growing fast but its credibility is still far behind. People would gladly trade in their yuans for the US dollars. Bottom line, there will not be a huge domino effect like one thinks ... Unlike that of the US where anything would surely tip the market scale.

    No. As much as I dislike the Vietnamese government, I do not want my motherland to be eaten up by China; not to mention that Vietnamese aren't the type that back down easily. The comradeship is by far different from the Chinese.
  7. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    The world has various big powers, economically, militarily, geographically, historically, genetically, culturally.... : US, China, EU , India and Russia, either a country does it own thing or have a closer alliance with one or more of the powers. I would say, de facto, that Vietnam has a natural close bond with China than any of the other powers! One too has to draw a difference between the Chinese people and the Chinese government.
    Every country that has been "close" to Vietnam did it because of relative economic exploitation and Chinese in its history was arguably the least worse of them all. Critically the reason is this, all other powers came to Vietnam because of pure economic exploitation. With Chinese there is not just pure exploitation as social values are integrated into the social economic structure through residence and marriage for thousands of years since the end of ice age and especially after the Mongolian Empire. For example, a Chinese government would not use Agent Orange but a farther foreign power with no cultural and genetic affinity could and did. Don't believe me , read Pham Cao Duong book which you can buy from Amazon. You can also research the work by Ngo Vinh Long, professor of history (Univ. of Maine). He is a friend of Noam Chomsky and Chomsky has a video on Youtube? by the title of Noam Chomsky on Vietnam, Activism, & Foreign Policy.
    Although Vietnam government is not so good but I do think that they have a reasonable sustainable model in operation. A sudden change to democracy without secure land and asset sharing will spell disaster for the ordinary people as it did at the latter stage of French colonialism. Read the above book and you can see how the French had sowed the seeds of socialism before and after WW2. Hint: massive starvation and lack of land use after WW2.
    #28 surplusletterbox, Jun 30, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    LOL... this has got to be the most ridiculous 'reasoning' I've ever heard; that because "historically" China has been socially closest to Vietnam, and did less modern technology damage, that that gives them the moral authority for a land grab today? Ha ha ha... That kind of reasoning is so far in left field there's no point in discussing this with someone who is even willing to entertain such rationales. Natural bond? Then try letting Vietnam take over China with that sort of bullshit 'moral' philosophy.

    Hint: the Chinese ain't gonna fall for it, LOL...
  9. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    I don't know where you mean by land grab. Where is it? Any land grab is not acceptable. I know there has been drilling for oil in the sea at the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea plus this long standing dispute many years with many countries of which Vietnam is one
    If you are talking about the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea then both Vietnam and China have submitted their case to the UN. I don't think this one is a land grab cut and dry case yet as both sides may have to make use of 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea and to make deals. At the end of the day the peoples in the region should deal with regional problems. There is also a massive complexity in that in ancient times the national boundaries were very very fuzzy, you have to go back to a time where people used to measure distance with strings and feet (footsteps) or how fast a horse can run in a day! There was no rough accuracy until compass, clock.. came along and this is relatively recent in the last few hundred years. Moreover in ancient times whose international law, even if it did exist and it certainly did not as piratecy, conquest and anarchy was the norm, would one use to decide national boundaries. In terms of who had owned the South China Seas in historic time, and now, I have to say China for the reason of the Chinese Last Dynasty who had dominate control in the entire region until ~10 western powers came along to start dividing up the region into colonies. The Indochine went to the French, islands went to the Dutch, Portugese/Spain, British had Singapore, HK, Malaysia....many of the issues in the region stem from the western conquests in the region (as had happened in Africa, South America and Australaysia). If you call this a land grab just ask the Red Indians, Aborigines and Maori what land grab really means to them! If I agree with you that China is getting worse (title of this thread) they have a long long way to catch up before they get as bad as Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil... in land grabs, and I am not saying any land grab is good or bad as I am just a peasant and not in government. Nothing I can do to help other than to express sympathy.

    By the way, as I wrote in my earlier post, there is a difference between Chinese people and Chinese government. In China and Vietnam, it is pointless arguing among us as we as people are not in control of our governments (in national interest strategic matters). Whatever you and I type here does not influence the governments. This is a forum for building and sharing relationship between cultures. With inability to do any thing about governments my reasoning is founded on the close affinity of the peoples in the region.
    Referring to the the OP's post about break up of Russia, the world will be safer and peaceful with break up of USA into 50 countries like Europe too.China could break up into 10 countries like it was during the Chin Dynasty. I always liked this idea as than instead of one national champion one could have 10 national champions. US can have 50 champions as opposed to one... just look at Europe to see how many national champions there are ! The same could be said about western banks which got so big their governance became corrupt and had almost brought about a complete global collapse had not for China's money and China's rescue!
    #30 surplusletterbox, Jul 1, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2014
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Thank you for that well thought out reply, LOL...
  11. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    What a great point. Sounds like China is getting better everyday as we get cheap quality products from China which is great news and improve our enjoyment of life!
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, right. Unless you're Chinese. Then your life sucks.

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  13. A|ex

    A|ex Well-Known Member

    Do you actually know anything about the country at all? As your statement has no facts base is and pure assumption.

    Firstly the people are not so poor, there is a large poor and rich divide with no noticeable middle class, this is one of the things the current government leader said he would try and address.

    Secondly they do not 'steal' other countries. These are disputed lands and due to history and the ways of recording etc these there are issues, these will probably never be resolved. Stealing land could be said with many other countries in the world not just china as many countries in asia do it.

    Hoping a country will break up is a horrible thing to say and would most probably cause chaos. There are many examples of war and disruption in the world which is normally a result of a country breaking up.
  14. reflection

    reflection Well-Known Member

    Well I just wish there's some way for them to stop burning coal so people could visit and not suffocate. Serious.
  15. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    The greed of the buyers is beyond the pale. Driven by greater profits using prison or prison style labor. That's the critical point for exports which is separate from another critical point which is very bad prison condition.
    #36 surplusletterbox, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2014
  16. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    The stats for China is always underestimated because the government tends to hide the truth. Facts about poverty reduction? What facts!

    When you use force and intimidation tactic on smaller countries .. it's similar to stealing.

    Break-up in China is good. Chaos? Not much .. HK, TW, and TB are ready to cut the line.