I live about 20 minutes or so from the chinatown in NYC. Friends from other areas with a chinatown always say its nothing like NYC's. Their's are usually cleaner and less hectic. But they say the NYC one feels more homey.
philadelphia's chinatown is pretty small, only a couple of blocks. Parking's pretty bad if you don't want to pay for parking. Worst of all...there's nothing to buy. What happened to cd/dvd shops?? >.< Food's worse, i worked at a dim sum place, and i am just repulsed.
I have been to several Chinatowns, NY (Manhattan & Queens), San Francisco, London, Sydney and Melbourne. I like the one in San Fran the best.
well the chinatown in london is ok i guess but it has more english people than chinese!!keke!which doesnt realy bother me but it just doesnt really feel like chinatown wen its like that!lol!
do come to Kuala Lumpur china town man .. there is 90% chinese u will get to see man ,.. best of all ..lotsa thingz to buy .. eat and see
SF chinatown where else can you see old man and old woman screaming at each other and spitting all over the place.
Imagine going to China and asking where China town is? lol! or asking "hey... do you know where to get some good chinese food?"
toronto's chinatown is ok i guess....more places to eat and not much to see though...but it seems relatively safer than nyc's and vancouver's (i think, just by quick impression)
I used to live near Chinatown in LA but over the years all the successful Chinese have moved out and now it's mostly left with recent immigrants and old people. All the Chinese have moved to the San Gabriel Valley or Roland/Hacienda heights and kind of formed mini Chinatown there.
I go to Chicago's Chinatown frequently, because its to only place i know that I can get seasame balls! :-] Parking sucks, and it is a little dirty, but there are always tons of tourists and such
The Chinatown in Sydney (Australia) is quite nice. Its dirty and smelly, but there's good food, good shops and generaly good people. On occasion there's the few that are rude, but in general, the people are pleasant.
No/Expensive Parking = Well developed Area Chinatown smells = Not use to the culture The RUDE individuals = In a rush because they make pennies for a living and have no time for BS 50 year old men working in dim sum place = Shit let them smoke their cigarettes I would hate my life. BTW: Not all Chinatowns are crowded. As a matter of fact I've been to numerous Chinatowns (main tour location whenever i travel with parents) in California and Texas with plentiful parking.
at least there is a chijnatown- the one in london uk used 2 b quite nice but now it's a shithole cos the ppl were too stoopid to buy the property 10 years ago now the landlord has takien the buildings back and ius selling it to be commercialised to apartments!
Theres a china town in a plce called Manchester which is an hours drive from here and it's gotta be one of the best ones you can buy loads of chinese goods there and illegle cheap dvds -blush2