CHINESE guys are ugly???

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by mint_T, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    I think most asians have a youthful look
  2. John85

    John85 Member

    o_O haw wah!! maybe
  3. i am not ugly ah -cry2
  4. qpower

    qpower Well-Known Member

    Definitely the Asian female get the prettier face, But I won't comment on the guy part..
  5. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    Awe...that gurl must have so problem generalizing
    chinese people...well...i must say...the place where
    i live...the HK or chiense guyz are not that great
    looking...well...ther are not being picky
    or anything...but i found out that the chiense guyz
    i know are like really girly...i had an hk bf...ESL one..
    and OMFG..i couldnt stand him afterwards...he was
    talking so quiet...and he is weak...(not that im strong
    but i am fairly loud...due to family traits...ahahahhah)
    but he was kinda getting on my i would
    perfer korean guyz or jap guyz...they seem more
    cutier and hottier than hk guyz....
  6. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member


    Beauty is a relative measure, if everyone liked only the relatively beautiful ones the relatively ugly ones would have become extinct sometime between the period of the pre-historic man and now. The fact that they have not died out is indicative of desirability and attractiveness of such so called relatively ugly! In the extreme form this story of association of the two is portrayed in "beauty and the beast".

    Nature works in different and random directions (all creatures great and small) and this is called bio diversity, and that is why we have positive and negative, ying and yang, black and white, short and tall, fat and thin. It is mankind that likes to work and think in one direction and feels that there is only one way that is the right way of interpretating of nature!

    Whoever makes the accusation is neither wrong or right, it is purely a matter of relative personal interpretation and this is called opinion. Now of course, if it does go over the acceptable limit it can become racial abuse and harrassment which is an offence (to humanity). -sweat
  7. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member


    In the once sense there must be equality in girl/boy ugliness and beauty. However in our mindset we always interprete the girls as relatively more beautiful and that's why there is the phrase "the fairer sex".
  8. No comment -lol-lol-lol
  9. pak poh always being mean to me >.<
  10. ^ U call me 8 por!! Hmph!!
    I never said ur ugly...
    Well now I kno u are!!
    Ur fugly inside!! -noclue!!
    Meanieeee!!! -cry2
    #50 evil_mui, Feb 6, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2007
  11. ppfff on skype you are always mean to me! :p
    but i was j/k ah ;) you dont need to react kam sai lee ah..
  12. -shock
    Whatever!! I'm sooooooo nice to u -innocent
  13. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    haha minor is fugly eh -lol

    yeh and my mui mui is nice to everybody :D
  14. :( not fun anymore
  15. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ aw dont be sad minor you know we only messing wid ya :)
  16. i know im not leng tjai :( but you dont have to remind me to that!
    now i know why nobody post there pics up here
  17. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    I guess that girl must be fat and ugly? Got dump by Chinese guys? I'm sure there are different tastes out there on hotness, cute, etc. Beauty is afterall in the eye of the beholder. And I'm guessing she prefers the horizontally challenged kind of guy in comparison to ideal weight kind of guy? I think most asian guys and girls are on the ideal weight rather than one sided.
  18. _keke_

    _keke_ Well-Known Member

    I agree with the girl too.. there are both nice and ugly ones in all gender..
    meself i prefer my guy ;D he´s the hottest 4 me =D
  19. Yehhh me and jeh jeh messing ja mah
    Dun be so siew hei ;)

    Even if ur not (I'm not sayin u are :p) but I'm sure u have other qualities to make up for it ;)
  20. saskuro

    saskuro Active Member

    This question will depend on the person answering the question and where they were raised.

    I personally would say HK guys are the most acceptable in terms of dating, but not the hottest.