hmmm... i would say just call my name.. i dont know.. but i dont really have a chinese name.. believe it or not.. my name only have two words.. my last name n my first name.. n my first name is an english name... my parents kinda gave me my first name n then only gave me the chinese name according to the english name... hmm.. so i would kinda agree with xtreme.. a name is just a name... dont matter if its english or chinese lol
I Prefer People Calling Me My English Name Instead Of My Chinese Name! I Love Both Of My Names So It Don't Really Matter Wat People Calls Me..
i think for the "old" generation, the parents just simply pick an english name that sounds like ur chinese name haha which is quite "lo to"
i juse just my english name except for legal documents which require your full name. ________ Mazda E Platform History
my name at school is my english name but name for legal docs+ end of high school exams is chinese (passport) name...well my chinese name in english isnt bad
usually Asian parents wont let u...esp if they follow traditional save the last name...i wont change my chinese name even if it was bad....wheres the asian pride?
names I use english name. Reason is because I chosed it, not named by family, although I still use the chinese name with close friends.
I like my chinese name more because its unique.. but my westerner friends find it challenging to say so..
I prefer my english name because its unique. I don't like my chinese name because its a name of a hong kong star, and he usually plays a bad guy. I was given the name before he was in the entertainment business. My family don't use my chinese name either, they have a nickname that everyone uses.
My chinese name is my middle name. So technically my whole name is 4 words: First name, chinese name [the typical 2-worded chinese name] and last name (I don't like my name so I'm just not gonna say it.) And oddly enough, same goes for mostly everyone in my family.
Weeeell, I like being called my English name better even though it's really common. This is because my Chinese name embarasses me (the meaning of it). Nowadays my mom calls me by my English name... weird.
people call my english name more cause no one knows my chinese name. i guess it is because i'm surrounded by non-asian people more or asian that cannot speak chinese so i don't tell them my chinese name.
I always get called by my english name... rarely chinese... thats only when my mum introduces me to her friends in china lol i don't mind if people call me by my chinese or english name really...