Anyone else make crafty things for Christmas? Thought I'd post my stuffs here as I go along...feel free to post yours and show me how much mine suck! These are some Angels i've made for my mum as a surprise She hasn't seen them yet. A few of the cards I've made so far (i've made more since this piccie) Just some silly little bears to give to people An unfinished santa dangle mobile i'm working on... And that's it for now, but probably going to be some more soon -clapclap yay Christmas.
Holy shit, those are freaking awesome... I want to make those for my GF, getting poorer from buying stuff -_-
Hehe thank you BB! Aww, if my boyfriend ever made something for me especially, i'd much prefer it than a real present anyway. You should totally do it =D I'd try the angels, most girls love angels
thats soo cute An you're really good at making stuff.. i know for a fact my bf wont make stuff like that for me...sighhh lol but when i wanna make him homemade stuff...he calls me 'mo liu' or 'lo toh' i'm guna make some sugar cookies and hopefully knit a scarf for you know who cos its getting really cold nowadays, regardless of being 'lo toh' or 'mo liu'
Sorry for being a noob, but what does 'mo liu' or 'lo toh' mean?-blush And mmm, what kinda cookies? Wish I could knit btw :( Not sure if anyones seen this before, but it's not random I swear, just finished decorating a coupla oranges Smeeeells sooo goood and Christmassy
^ mo liu = silly...wasting time lo toh = traditional...?...eeEEEee..i cant think of engrish for that..><
yea something like i like the look of your oranges lol i've seen it before where people stick cloves in it an it smells really nice