I thought Theresa was leaving for her personal schedule.. but not that I'm complaining. I've grown to like the cast + little eunuch. Stick through it IMO.
Finished it a few days ago. I was always behind on this sitcom so I was trying to time it so the new sitcom airs when I finished this. Honestly not a bad sitcom. Better than CHL-Yoga. I like the supporting cast of this (10 Jai+coworkers) better than what CHL1 had. They're better than the Yoga mains too lol Ming Gor + Ah Chai was probably my favourite 1-2 punch Elsa was pretty cute in this, I like her Roxanne probably had like a total of 2 scenes after she got together with 10 jai lol I honestly think they could've extended this without Wayne and Mo Jeh, if they left for Taiwan for the freelancing job then it was a smart way for them to exit the show while continuing this sitcom I have no recollection of this episode, did I skip an episode?