I got bored and wanted to karaoke :( I only did half the song lololol OST from Tiny Times movies [youtube]TCd8rBbETKo[/youtube]
thanks for sharing your voice improved since radio days -lol or is it a better Mic? KT want to audition for 超級巨聲5 ?
lol it's not just the mic, my singing did improve a bit since the last time I posted LOL you guys wanna sponsor my plane ticket to audition?
nope unlless she "watched" this thread she'll get an email notification if not you'll only get notifications in private message or chatting in your profile posts/groups/ photos KT
hmm KT maybe now, also I noticed I get an alert when you quote me, so she would prob get an alert without tagging.
lol i was trying to get to her upload songs like you ...you were the most recent uploader in this section