u sure ur not just delusional? u know how a lot of skinny girls think they are fat even when they aren't. i have this one friend who is nothing but skin and bones, she pulls at her skin and says it's fat.
yes, girl always say they are fat and that they are never pretty i guess we can never be satasfied with ourselve in such a superfisical world ~sigh~
^Yups...trying to lose weight is the most sun foo thing to do!! It really helps to count calories if you wanna lose weight. To lose about one pound a week, try cutting your calories to about 1500kcal a day...you'll see the results in no time...and throw in some exercise, cos building muscle helps to burn calories even when you're not exercising => it increases your basal metabolism
but when you are smaller you dont need so many calories as it is charts say that a girl my size and weight i only need 1600 calories a day so um 1500 calories doesn't seem that bad but it's bad when even though i only need 1600 calories a day i probebly consume more than the 2000 calories a day no wonder i am the way i am
^Haha...that's tough. But then the average sedentary person needs about 1400 kcals for basic metabolic needs. Just don't exceed what you need and I think it should be ok. I agree with you that it's tough, cos you can hardly go out and get a meal for anything less than 500 kcals...it's easier if you do your own cooking and plan your meals.
guys 66 + (13.7 X weight in kgs) + (5 X height in cms) – (6.8 X age in yrs) girls 655 + [9.6 x (weight in kg)] + [1.8 x (height in cm)] - [4.7 x (age in yrs)] that tells u how many calories u need to eat daily to maintain ur weight for people that do minimal exercise... like doing chores... to lose weight subtract 500 calories from the total and u'll lose 1lb(of fat) a week, 1000 for 2lbs a week...
eat protein, less salt, sugar, oil and carbs. train on muscles do cardio when you do cardio, you lose weight quick. And with the combination of some muscle workout, even girls have their own muscle workout to get themselves toned. Muscles will burn the fat even when you are sleeping. Glucose - turns into fat Sodium - retains water Stay away from potatoes, rice, noodles, etc. they have a lot of carbs. Especially Ramen noodles. Read behind it and you will see how many calories one bag carries and how much sodium.
hk ppl dont eat anything.... ends up being really skinny.... when you go near them, you'll just faint. cuz of a strong odor... not body odor... but yeah... you should know what i'm talking about. healthy eating habits... eat breakfast. you can snack but just make sure they're fruits instead of junk food. and make sure you dont eat six hours before your bedtime.
^^^what odor are you talking about?? and when i live in hk, all my friends and i eat a lot hahaha.. but we are guys, so not really matter lol
Fasting is one reliable, albeit temporary and destructive, way to cut calories, but the question remains: how long can a person survives without food? But good work out definitely helps...
u gotta do cardio to lose weight. then cut calories. watch what u eat, don overeat. maintain 1000-1300 calories intake a day...200 morning (banana, apple) 400 lunch and the rest at night. each the good stuff like yogurt, carrots, etc make sure ur meals have all three groups, meat, veggies, staple ...balance 1/3 of each. u might skinny but may not be fit
cardio is great to lose weight, but its easier to gain the weight back than if u weight trained... muscle increases the metabolism so you burn a lot more calories even if ur just sitting there... also when people go on cutting diets like losing 20+lbs at a time they WILL lose lean muscle mass, so you'll come out looking like a stick... i mean if ur gonna spend 3months losing all that weight to look like Jared from Subway... damn-_-2...