O_O Omg. Why are you putting yourself up for auction?? Then how much you're worth will be judged by other people. I'm sure you'll find someone for yourself. hang in there man.
That's not completely unimaginable...not that I've said those exact words before... As for the original post...you never know who will take the bait! Some girls are probably considering his offer right now! lol
I'll go on a date with you... Or maybe not. Do you actually think that this is going to happen? Chasing after a date on an internet forum?
^^ mayb u should accept the offer and go and tell us all how it went plus u can always broadcast it live to us =P
why don't you guys e-mail him about the date. Better yet, call if he has his number up and see if it is 4 real.!!!
lol he's from s.i. lol me too! O yea, most likely it's a joke, it would be pretty sad if he was serious...
this thread is prolly just a scam for him to get more myspace page views... ghey.. it should be deleted, he hasn't even posted again.