awwww poor chap!!!! owned?? :( hey!!! Neighbours was good back in the day use to watch it after high school on BBC1 5:30pm!!!! ~ ummm what was her name, that girl who played Anne, she was hot!
hahaha neighbour sucked back in the day too!! lol think the aussie programme i liked was the one Steve Irwin was in lol LEGEND!!
i dunno i never really understood how this game show works... i remember my friend was tryna show me...but i never listened and they just gave up... to me....its just a random show where people open briefcases or something....hahhaa... and i used to lub watching neighbours and home and away....felt so aussie...'gday mate'...hahah 1st home and away moved to channel 5 and then later neighbours....killed my afternoon shows....
was that real or a fake? there's no way it could be that much of a coincidence picking the biggest prizes in order.. I have no idea how they're playing the game.. but looks very much like a cheap version of the US show..