Dear life Allow me to win the big in 6/49 loto and stop the ugly greedy chicks from chasing me for my money.
lol.. Dear life.. allow adrianc to win the big in 6/49 loto and stop the ugly chicks from chasing adrianc for his money.. =)
dear life, i would like to go out and play in the sun....why does my exams have to be soon :( bear PS phoenixgirl guess you'll be getting 15 A* then
Dear Life, Why doesn't BBear care for me anymore? :( She doesn't come to visit my 'home' or my Intro thread anymore... -BR
dear life, why does babyrain wants so much attention.. she already got 3 boys spamming... or is she lesbian? Oo
dear babyrain... i do care just i give you space so you work it out with jiw of something and plus you like resentless says you got 3 to keep ya busy...
Dear BrownBear, thank you, i'll try best to get good grades.. and dont worry about ya exams k?! You'll do good anyways.. so SMILE =D
@BBear : No!! If you don't believe me.. go see my intro thread >.< I told Jin off and say YOU are my dahling... @Resentless: SHOO!