Dear life, me sleepy thank u for ur hardwork in making our wishes.hopes come true.. Hope all members of PA have fun 2moro.. Much Love, Phoenix x
lol wind is my life....-lol Dear Life, All of a sudden I'm feeling bored..-_-2 >.< -Me @dann: -spam -spam and uhhmmm...-spam
dear life.. lets play a game. i bet you that people will probably end up with a higher post count than me by the end of this week -lol
Dear Fearles, No worries I wont surpass u....unless I get fired and really bored in sydney... but I hope that will never happen =/
Dear phoenixgirl, Sweet dreams, your wishes will come true. Dear missangiecheeks, What would you like Life to do for you to make you feel happy? Dear sugacutie, Feeling bored is but a fleeting sensation, there's many great ppl on PA that can get you out of boredom. Dear Dann, You are not working hard enough on your post counts, please work harder. Dear Knoc, Welcome fellow entity. Please help fulfill all wishes made from PA members. Life
Dear wind, Life would be nicer if it would treat people around me that I care about nicer... and kill all the psychos who are a danger to society
Dear missangiecheeks, Life is not nice to the ppl you love at the moment? Killing psychos is beside me duty, its to Dear Knoc that you need to request that. Life/ wind