Dear Life, How come i always managage to screw up a test in statictics and not in any other areas in math?? only 2 exams left until gratuation =) (IBO is soon defeted)
Dear Life, Why can't i concentrate i must revise for these exams as i screwed one up already...also why are you so mean putting my exams back to back like this
dear life unstress me and give me sumthin 2 make me hyper before my examsss!!! && tell that guy hes the biggest most selfish person i have ever met so on tuesday im ganna kick his ass.. AGAIN!!! IN FREAKING TAEKWONDO AND BREAK HIS LITTLE TOEEE!!!! & i hate his team and the way they lie. apart from that.. please make me pass mai A-Levels haha ^_^
Dear Life, I'm so hungry but I can't eat a late night snack as I know it's not healthy. Can you relieve me from my hunger?
Dear Taxloss, Don't worry I can assure you I won't be any less healthy just cause you grab some supper. Go for it! -Life
Dear Life, I've surrounded myself with different types of cookies/cakes and I've obviously sinned now. But there's something else...I've got the feeling a voice is talking to me and seducing me to do things that's not necessary good for me and I'm not sure what to do.
Dear Taxloss, Be comforted to know that I am certainly looking forward to enjoy the aftermath of those cookies/cakes after you have consumed them. As for the voice; it's all in your head. -Life
Dear Life, Thanks for your advice, I feel much certain now. I've just finished the last 2 small cakes with chocolate filling and I'm going to brush my teeth again and go to bed after that. Taxloss
Dear life, Please take all my final exams next week. Make sure you score A's on all of them! Thanks, peachy
Dear Life, Looks like I keep losing stuff; at the moment I can't find my battery charger for my camera and I can't find 2 new shawls I've bought to match my clothes. Can you please help me to find them today? -mellow Taxloss
Dear Life... I went to school yesterday, aced my drug terminology test, of course and I found out that I have only 7 more weeks of school left!!! Im soooo happy!!!!-lol