my god your on holidays and your bored!! my holiday now consists of doing coursework......... now thats boring!
Gong Gong :nuts: U old laaaaaaaa no understandy chinglish Yo Melbourne!! Noooooooooo u cant be batjai u dan hoi d la
uuuuu kiiidddsss cooomeee uuuppp wwittthhh toooo mmmuuccchhh neeww sslllanngg nooowwadddayyys......hharrddd ttooo keeeppp uppp me= -wheel okie......better respect l
I hate calc I hate my calc teacher I hate the idiots in my calc class I hate functions I hate my functions teacher I hate everything
oh my goodness.. I was thinking the same word before I clicked on this thread.. ; 'Blast I'm too lazy'