than I should mention you two than... ultim8camper is a glee head _Fahrenheit_ - fellow Kpop fan, just that he's #3
^lol dude i'll do the deed ultim8camper- irrelevant anyways you need a sig fix setshiro...or delete your sig haha.
since when did i become a potato peeler?? Dan - indecisive bwoii with iPod touches evilmui - JEH JEH!! ^__^
wtf flmaing gooorrr !!!! ima twilight fan ? W00000000000t lmao .. not seen any of the films or read any of the books ¬_¬
^ I do not recall putting up that... But I recall ultim8camper - 8ball, Heath Ledger fanboy, looks a lot like Phil Also bb, name need to be switched around and I have a capital F
it was like back in the daaayy laaah .... when you was cooking and you was peeling like loads and loads of potatoes .. sent me pictures of the potatoes and everything lmao xD still holding that on you may may do all nighters and bo kek
ahh yes i nearly forgot about that cos it wasnt posted at the time ulti = tvb fan// my future room mate ^^