Oui, j'habite a Mtl depuis plusieurs annees. Et toi? Ne me dis pas t'es originaire de mtl aussi, si c'est le cas, c'est chouette. Le chinois, ca se parle pas mal depuis ces dernieres annees puisqu'il y a beaucoup de chinois qui viennent etudier. @ hiake, glad that u finally decided to type in french. ton francais n'est pas si mal que ca. Ayez confiance ma belle. -^_^
*Sigh* It's just embarassing to talk in such terrible French, seriously. =_=b Hope French-speaking members aren't offend -unsure
Gotta start from somewhere no? If u can watch zombie movies by urself in the theater, typing in french is a lot less scary than that.
No, I can assure you typing in French is MUCH MORE scary than seeing a zombie film alone... But that's just me Though you are definitely right about having to start SOMEWHERE... -unsure
J'habite à Londres, pas MTL! Peut-être un jour vous visiterez ce bâtiment au Japon, je vous ai dit tout comment y arriver ! smallrinilady , where are you?! Now that I told you what it is , how to get there and what to eat!