I don't think people who love each other say it only once in a blue moon... I mean, come to think of it, we can express "i love you" in other ways than actually saying it. Like packing lunch for her partner, lending an ear and a shoulder when he's upset (I know guys like to be "hard as a rock" but guys are also human so they are also emotional right?), or just a little peck on the cheek for no reason. I think it's better to SHOW then to say. Actions speak louder than words right? So this way, the guy won't think of Qs like "does she love me".
yeah i don't think it needs to be said all the time as then it wouldn't have as much meaning as it should!! However i think it still needs to be said sometimes......and i don't agree that its only the girls who like to hear it aswell! some guys are even mushier than girls and love to be told they're loved!!!
haha.. doubt it.. if you were you wouldn't be double posting all the time. N mind you.. PA doesn't tolerate that.
After saying the 3 sweet words to my bf for 3 yrs, I stopped saying it to him cuz it's like it's not sweet anymore. Everytime I say it, he never replies. Now that I dont mention it, he says it to me more than ever... how sweet... he deserves it!
Well, witholding sometimes does work for guys. Doesn't someone agree with me that guys sometimes don't appreciate stuff they get too often? (Be it lunch, massage , or "I love you''). I don't say it everyday. I express it, and so when ever I do say it, my boyfriend looks at me with those tender eyes and says "I love you too". So love isn't about saying but expressing. At least that's what I think.
Nope! in fact, girls love guys to say that 3 words once a while.. like once a watever months.. gurls will say that 3 words hoping the guys would say it back..