there is a different between slim girls and skinny (bond only) girls. At least for the first impression, I think guys like slim and fit girls than over weight but not skinny girls
i think most guys would want a healthy girl, obviously not fat, but not bone skinny too, because i doubt that anyone would like to hug skin-wrapped bones
i think.. guys go for healthy and sexy girls .. skinny is not always the case.. diferent ppl have different opinions
skinny is okay but for me, i'm more into a cute and a little chubby girls too skinny is just not attractive at all to me
I think a lot of asians say they're fat, but really aren't fat. i guess the term 'fat" has a different definition with each person. In the asian society, most guys do like the skinny girls that are sticks. Growing up in America, you realized that a lot of us do not look like that. All in all, it's just how you feel about yourself. Most guys want more to a girl than their looks. Confidence makes a big difference. As long as you're satisfied with yourself, the right one will come.
I agree. The term "skinny" or "fat" mean different to different people in differetn society and culture. One might say that a girl is fat but another one might say she is average. Also, it depends on whether they guy is fat or skinny. If the guy is fat himself, then he might consider a "fat" girl to be an average girl. But if a guy is skinny, then he might consider the same girl to be fat. It is hard to judge whether a girl is fat or skinny.It all depends on your feelings toward the other girl/guy. If you truly love love that person, then I think you will not mind much about his/her physical appearance. Trust yourself. I am sure that you have other unique characteristics that are more important than your physical appearance that will attract even better guys/girls.
i ahte people using "skinny" and "fat"... wheres the in between????? some girls are pretty when they dont have a skinny face though :/
There are some dudes out there who only go for really big girls. 'Chubby chasers' More to love I guess. Much more...
what is fat and skinny? if u dont see ur toes....well then its time to ask mr Weightwatcher...but if u like a toothpick...then i prefer someone with some roundings...:eat: