Fat people, tells me a lot about themselves... they're not eating healthy. All they eat r things which they arent suppose to eat constantly. No offense to any fat people or anything, but i prefer slim but not anorexic slim.
i think guys like healthy girls...don't try to be skinny, just live a healthy life. also, don't set unrealistic expectations. every type of girl will be appealing to some guy, you just need to know your market
i know a lot of asian guys do prefer stick thin girls.....i mean have you ever seen asian guys with curvier girls? especially in hong kong/china girls are so thin there that asian guys thinks thats the norm so when they see curvier girls more westernised figure they think they're fat when they are just more proportioned.
i am a guy and personally i prefer girls with a bit of meat on them and not too skinny or fat. Those people who like really skinny girls i think have been sucked into this marketing rubbish in films, magazines, tv etc and to not stereotype. When i dated my gf she was just right but now she has gone up many sizes and i still love her even though she is bigger now. I think the thing to bare in mind is that the majority of guys are attracted to skinny girls and are more likely going to talk to them where as those that are larger get neglected
Guys don'T wanna go out with fat girls because they are affraid that their friends laugh at him maybe ? Seeing his friends gf ( skiinnny ) makes them inconfortable maybe .. maybe .. Dont worry !!! its just a matter of time ! Your prince 'll eventualy come
i never like skinny girl especially typical vietnamese ones. i think they look kind of nasty. i prefer girl with some cushions on them. why would anyone want to hug a skinny girl. it like hugging a bag of bone.
prefer slim girls, I think this also applies to girls. Imagine that you were in a bar and you would have to choose to talk to the following girls(unknown random persons). A skinny woman (sack of bones/ heroine junky) A slim woman (example megan fox) A fat woman (walrus, dunt have to explain) I think 80% would talk to the slim girl and the 20% would *cow* the fat or the skinny one, because they have either low-selfesteem or have a wierd fetish. -smart
Girls need to have some curves and not too fat or too skinny, you don't want to get stabbed by bones or get crushed by too much fat.
bonely girl just doesn't look good to me, i perfer someone that is average size or big, because it is easier to loss weight then gaining for girls.
i like girls with some meat. i think its really weird hugging a skinny girl. it feels like ur hugging a skeleton like the one in ur science class. i like it mild chubby
Being skinny disgusts me, and being fat is scary too. I think someone 'healthy' is most important. But I don't like a girl who doesn't know how to eat, or doesn't exercise. Yet, I don't want some manly sports dyke.
i'm a girl, but i think i'm fit.. i guess. i have mostly guy friends and they tell me they don't like stick skinny girls, because there is nothing to hold, and i agree with them. if i were a guy i wouldn't want a stick skinny girl full of bones either, it's not comfortable.
Do guys only like skinny girls? Well not all the guys like skinny girls, because everybody has a different taste. I know I only like skinny girls, that's my taste, I don't care about their body image, I only care about their face look good and skinny, that's all for me.........No heart feeling to anyone and I don't mean to be offensive......... Respectfully.........