Lol...i'd end up drawing new ones anyway hahahaa damn i dont understand why some girls shave off their eyebrows and just draw an ugly line hahahaha it looks so odd!
well, basically throughout school. since preschool, i had some black friends... that was raphael wells tho, all up in the black neighborhood, so i was use to it since i was a kid. longfellow, denman, bal... had friends throughout... even college now, but they aren't as ghetto up in college. =P coworkers, cuz i work in oakland... haha. and angie uses a sharpie tattooed eyebrows for me... i have an eyebrow pencil but hardly use it Sharpie? as in tweezer? Lol....not just friend she went to china...and the beauty therapist over there that it would look nice if shed shave half of it off...and then to draw the other half... damn it looked so ugly -noclue @fearless....OMG....hahahahahaha she must've been in a hurry!
oakland.... i hate going around there. i used to go out there a lot and i don't ever go out there not prepared. hahah that mexican and sharpie pics always make me lmao
i only went to chinatown oakland a couple of times with parents before... now for work i drive all over oakland. i found out that asian people live in a specific neighborhood, then mexicans and blacks live everywhere else. haha... i was kinda worried when i got hired, i had to fill out a form, and first page says, if somethin happens to me, who will the paycheck go to... -.-
hahahah which company is this??? asking who will the paycheck go to. yea oakland is pretty segregated in their communities.
True in term of a long relationship, looks does not really play a role in it... But I believe wut the guys here are trying to convey is sex appeal? I totally agree that to find a good partner, he/she does not need to have a really pretty face... What is most important is~ does he/she matches our personality and of course are we feeling comfortable with him/her....!!!! To me~, i would think a normal looking girl with a good attitude but most important is~ we understand each other well will be a blessing.. I dont request for someone who is pretty or whatever.... Live life Cool!!!
^ to each his own..... MissAngieCheekS im serious, i don't like skinny. her face is a little to chubby but anything between normal and the example given is good. but i admit i only been out with normal shape bodied girls but still. if i ever find the perfect example ill be sure to show it, providing this thread is still alive. urmmm, girls with meat on them basically, less bones showing the better lols