Do u think the raptors is goin' to make it to the playoff this year ????

Discussion in 'Sports Chat' started by Chung001, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. shocking13

    shocking13 Active Member

    the raptors are in the playoffs right now, buh i dun dink they will go really far, with teams such as detroit, miami, nd cleveland in the way
  2. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    1) the raps have ZERO playoff experience aside from Nesterovic, but then again he's not exactly an impact player... If Arenas was still on the court, he'd have some payback after losing to LBJ last year... Arenas would put up 35 a game... I hope he comes back blazing next season, he plays to hard to fall like this...

    2) yeah i know... surgery = benched... deal?

    3) With Wade back, even on bench duty, they have a shot... playing the Wizards is really nothing to laff at... everyone wants that spot...

    4) doesn't matter what ur winning record is in the regular season... ur team has virtually no playoff experience... VC is a tried and true clutch player averages roughly 27pts a game in the playoffs since going to NJ, Jason Kidd is more than enough veteran power to lead a team through the first round... Bosh is too young, that's why LBJ lost out to Detroit last year... Flash could do it cuz he had Shaq and Payton to tie it down...
  3. tvbcheese

    tvbcheese Sushi VIP!

    raptors are actually doing really well late in the season. they won a lot...i loved the morris peterson to send it to OT against the wizards!!! i think raptors have a chance and they may play the wizards, but im not sure.
  4. dot

    dot Well-Known Member

    seems like the raps can be 2nd, 3rd of 4th right now
  5. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    Raptors really surprised me this season. But the teams to beat in the Eastern conference are the Pistons and Bulls.