LOL well... it happens... like I don't know... Like I said, I only pick up dry food, and only when I'm at home. lol.
hmm now that i think about it... 5 secs is pretty damn long. I mean if you were planning to eat it up off the floor or whatever... wouldn't you pick it back up as soon as you drop it?? how can it take you 5secs??
Yeah, I'm not going to be like, oh... dropped a cracker... I have 5 seconds... I usually grab it right after it falls onto the floor. Most people do anyways... I think... I hope...
or maybe they have that decision making disorder... can't decide whether to pick it up and eat it or not...
nah mines the 3 second rule for food falling on the fall and for people getting out of seats hee hee i know eating off the floor is kinda scruffy but if it has just fallen onto carpet or at home i really dont see a problem with it or as my mum has always said to us: "big germs eat small germs"
Ah well then a little parent thing, Think about all those little kids who don't have food! And you throw out a piece of dry food that was on the floor for less than 5 seconds!!! Take advantage of what you have! =P Ah I don't know. lol.
not unless it was wrapped or dropped on a clean table and it depends how clean i would think it would be. an apple i would pick back from a table but the floor is off limits.
^ LOL and when you do talk back, that is when you get a slap in the mouth... and then, "Shut up and eat your food!" actually I have no idea... when my parents say that, I just keep my mouth shut... lol.
Ch yeah... I know man. They're just like, "DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!!!!!" And I'm thinking, you're yelling like I'm like... 20 metres away... -_-'' And meh, I never talk back. I just sit there and stuff. lol.