I guess out of all your guys i dont take really good care of my teeth. I brush between 1 - 2 a day. But for a long time tho, so i guess that makes up for not brushing alot.
True, but then I got the "harder-than-thou" brushing from my braces... Back then, if I don't brush it hard, the braces will end up filthy as hell (me paranoid about this prospect) Haven't quite rid myself of the old habit :(
i brush everyday.. 3 times.. once after breakie, after lunch and before i sleep -lol but sometimes when i'm lazy i brush twice..-ann i floss.. but not that often.. i rinse with listerine after i brushh btw.. has any1 painted their teeth -lol.. lol with that colgate stuff that makes it whiter? just curious if it works well or not.
brushing your teeth before breakfast gives the orange juice a very nasty taste =P i brush my teeth twice a day, avoid eating an hour after brushing them...then floss a few times a week of course...luckily i've never had that much problems with my teeth,they are naturally straight and nice =)
i've got all the stuft 4 my teeth..electric toothbrush,floss,Mouthwash...brush them 3 times a day and 2 minutes each time( i even brush my tongue) and visit the dentist 2 times a year
um..i just brush my teeth every morning and night.... speaking of teeth, this summer, im gonna go to the dentist and their gonna put me completely to sleep and their gonna pull my wisdom teeth out along with some other teeth to make room of braces...THE PAIN/...
it is better that you take care of your teeth, cause you don't want fake teeth when you are still young.
oooo....definitely for me! use floss, mouth wash and of course brushing my teeth it's such a turn off to see ppl with supperrr yellow teeth or stuff stuck in thier teeh..... >< oh.....and you're not supposed to brush right after you eat.....it spoils your enamel.... you need at least a 2 hr break or so after a meal to brush.....
heh, my story w/ my teeth is kinda sad, i, an 18 year old male, have an underbite =( it's ugliyyyy i can make it work, sometimes but man i really hate my bone structure in the teeth area, so nope i don't really care about my teeth, that being said, i do take care of them, kinda but imma have my wisdom tooth removed in 2 weeks, then get braces for like 7-12 months, then get oral surgery (haha hella fun kthx) and then more braces, and im in college =( imagine how bad that'll look? :( oh well, it's kinda a curse given at birth heh
teeth are important to each person and your teeth tell the condition of your health sometimes. I care about my teeth but i'm not one of those people who will brush more than 3 times a day after every meal. Toothbrush isn't all that importatnt to me as long as it's electronic and doesn't require lots of work -lol and does a good job