Do you consider hong kong a country?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by kdotc, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    lol Ecko, missiles do make a country great -^_^
  2. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    no, it makes a country powerful and feared. why cant we all just dispose of our weapons and make peace
  3. why don't you get with the program or you gonna be the first to go..
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i made this thread becaue like when i sign up for stuff on the interenet it'll ask for country and there is always hong kong and china as two different options. when i checked the wto website about the countries in it for my eco project, i saw hong kong and china as two different countries again. the funny thing is that i had an argument with classmates about hong kong being a country lol. it was jokes
  5. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    go where? The candy shop?
  6. ronni

    ronni Member

    i think HK is better than China
  7. chiwaiwilliam

    chiwaiwilliam Well-Known Member

    Yes HK is really quite different to mainland so I agree with Ecko
  8. krazyaznboi

    krazyaznboi Well-Known Member

    no...they belong to china and will always belong to them
  9. martinj

    martinj Guest

    I would go say as it is. One country, two systems.
  10. kenshi

    kenshi Well-Known Member

    Hong Kong is a small city of China, not even large enough to be a province of the giant motherland.

    Chinese with pride!-rockon
  11. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    no, i don't think Hong Kong is a country... and it really bothers me how for the Olympics they have their own team, and they got the Chinese gold-medalists to come and perform and stuff for them like it's their winners.

    but w/e.
  12. waterchestnut

    waterchestnut Member

    I know we HK people are contradicting ourselves。 We admit we’re Chinese & we’re HK people。 But we’d also like to believe ”HK is a country" (though legally it isn't)--> see HK different from Mainland China. Some westerners think HK = China & I will correct them. I say HK has its separate government from China's, though "Chinese government" would like much control over HK government.
  13. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Thought that HK is a city state within a country? 1 country , 2 systems?
  14. well i wish that HK is a country its own.. why did england gave it back to china :( :p
  15. dot

    dot Well-Known Member

    ^ i agree, lol.
  16. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Hong Kong may not be a Country in the legal sense, per se. But I see it as independent of China. It has such a different lifestyle and everything, just consider the financial centre!
  17. kenshi

    kenshi Well-Known Member

    Did anyone study Chinese history? Opium wars? it will tell you how Hong Kong fell into the hands of Western powers.

    To summarize it nic and short (I may not be 100% accurate )

    beginning from 1650 an Opium trade was established and spread throughout China ( towards the end of Qing Dynasty).
    Apparently the Chinese government tried to put an end to the British smuggling Opium into the Country as it weakened China.

    Supposedly, a war broke out in 1834 just after the British accused China of destroying their opium shipments and that soon followed with losses which resulted in China to seek alternative means to avoid any further direct conflicts.

    China was then forced into a position of diplomacy with the British and signed a treaty that forced open trade into the country (using Hong Kong).

    Hong Kong has always been China, regardless of whoever ran the show. The people have always been Chinese.

    If you have been to china you would know that that it has changed so much and its economy is developing at a steady rate.
    Perhaps one day the people who deny being apart of China will want to be part of China again when it prospers.
    Hong Kong poeple who can't acknowledge their city as part of China probably don't have any pride or confidence in their own country.

    There is no one distinct type of personality or lifestyle in Hong Kong that sets them different from everyone else in other parts of China.

    People from Hong Kong are all Chinese!
    #37 kenshi, Jan 25, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2007
  18. Dohh_boy

    Dohh_boy Well-Known Member

    Ya I seems that movies coming out of HK these days are affected a lot more by the Chinese government then they used to be. I guess the same is true for culture in general as well, even though I don't remember too much about what it was like before 97.
  19. compliant

    compliant Well-Known Member

    er, taiwan IS the political entity that is the republic of china.
  20. machwnor

    machwnor Well-Known Member

    i always consider hong kong as its own country...dunno why it has to be under China since hkers are totally different from mainlanders