Its sad dat i dunt read da calories... but den i get fat easily...its actually scary how fast i can get but den i do lots nd lots of excersise den my lito *toh lam* is gone..hehe
i do read the labels but i figure life is short. i do try to maintain my weight. i tend to eat what i want but in moderation.
I read labels all the time, I only count calories whenever I can. Home made food don't have a precise calories count.
Just do it occassionally just to see how much saturated fat and sodium product has. But I'll still end up by the product.
i usually dont read the labels...but if i eat with my calories-obsessed cousin, she'd usually read it out for me. -lol
^ yeh i heard about McDOnalds doing that but i do distinctly remember mcdonalds publishing the nutritional info on the back of that paper thats normally on your tray..... its like when you take all the food off the tray and turn that piece of paper round voila its there but i dunno if its still there quite a while back now -lol ermmm..... i have looked at the nutritional info a few times but very rare as i cant be bothered too, let alone count calories
For the most part I don't check labels. What I will do is to try and get the lower fat version of whatever I happen to be buying.
i never used to read the labels but as i get older i realized the importance of health... and with the whole health craze going on these days, its become a habit to look at nutrition labels.
i don't check the labels or care about the calories. I am at the gym everyday for an hour so whatever calories i consume will be burn.
I got a fast metabolism, i get to eat whatever i want without gain. Though i do check health cuz no matter how skinny, veins can still get clogged.
hm...i don't think i ever check since i have pretty fast metabolism too but i usually try to stay away from fatty foods unless they're just too good... exercise will do the work if i sit around too much
wwhat i think is iof they do so, sure will lose alot of customer since their food is not that healthy
i read the labels and nutrition facts, but i end up eating the food anyway >.< , i go with the 'you live only once' thingg, even if it risks getting fat, i think it'll be worth it since theres so much yummy food in this world