well i check the labels calories and fat and stuff . but i dont add it ups. i just take a look and see how fat imma become lols. you cant help it, if you really want to eat it. being too skinny isnt really that good. should be chubbyish and healthy. im trying to gain fat!
I usually don't worry too much about calories (then again, I'm a guy). As long as you stay away from junk food and fast food restaurants, what you eat won't really matter. ^^;;
I don't really count calories but I do look at nutrition labels. But sometimes, even if I pay attention, I can't help not buying candy and such. Candy ftw.
i have to read the labels on everything before i buy it. but lately i haven't because of christmas dinner and stuff.
I eat wahtever, but i try and stay away from fast food and greasy food. But i'm still relatively young being 23. So i figured as long as i keep workingout i think i'm ok.
I do read it religiously, but I never really make a decision based on what it reads If I really want something, I will get it regardless, but if it's a new product and it's high in trans-fat/high in sodium/high calories etc, I will not try it.
i always read the lables and follow it.... most people don't realize how many empty cal's they put in there body through out the day
Never, I have never check/read labels. All I care is that it looks delicious and tastes good. I don't care about the rest. xD