If there's anything good in Malaysia, it's food. So why do I wanna take away the one good thing in my country???
i want to loose weight, so i count my calories. but after one week i always gave it up, so most of my time i eat very much without counting. When i loose some kg i eat more things again. I've still the same weight as at the beginning. Is it good or not?
I didn't care so much before... now I read the labels if there are any... but doesn't mean I won't eat it =P I try to avoid McDonalds as much as possible and other similar places.
I hardly count calories, although I should be. I find it discouraging to count since scientist also comes out with new theory on food.
No, I'm too lazy to do that. I just check the package and if possible the quality of the food and I hardly look at the prices, so let alone counting calories and reading the nutrition labels.
I don't count calories, but i do read the labels for sugar or fat content lol Some foods that i always thought were healthy do surprise me when i read their labels
i'd say... eat whatever... just watch out for the cookies that are like... 200 cal and 4 servings/cookie.... maybe that's why americans are so fat... Energy drinks are usually labeled as 2 servings ^_^ watch out heh. 1 can = 2 cups of coffee
i read the calorie content...but in the end i end up just eatting it anyways. =__=;; but if i ate something that had a lot of calories then i would try and make up for it by burning off that same amount of calories on the tredmill if i feel that bad. =__=;;
Lol...definitely even when i buy healthy food like oat porridge i still have to look at different ones and compare the health labels....I am that crazy -dead
i always reaD LABELS...cuz i don't like to get fat and have an unheatlhy body. I mostly stay away frm junk food and candy
last time I didn't look at the label but now I did........ Always look at the label before I buy.... want to have healty life
not i don't read it, what the worth its not going to change my descision only if it contains soethnig i'm not sure of.
I don't think counting calories should matter when it comes to your health as long you exercises and the portion size are reasonable. What people should worry most is the saturated fat, trans fat and sodium intake. But if you are a science geek like me, I would also take into consideration the chemicals within the ingredients content used to make up the food and not the calories. If you know you ate a huge meal within the past two days, then go to the gym and burn off the calories. You can't do that with trans fat. Once you ingest the trans fat, it's there to stay plus the chemicals that may harm your cells.
Only on Occasion, thats if it has a label. LOL... But yea I do because I want to know whats going in my system.. I want a healthy body =] I don't want trans fat!! cholestrol and some other fat is fine.. because I exercise, so its fine ^_^
I have this habit since i enrolled for a nutrition class haha, but i would only find an estimate to it. Maybe because i am not much of a math person~~ theres nutrtion sheets for resturants??