^ girls hit me all the time when i start to b a lil mean to them lol..it doesn't hurt..i tell them to hit harder and it just doesn't maek me cry =p
Thats so annoyin! U kno when guys annoy u or whatever and u dunno what to do...so u hit them! And there like yeah ha ha ha...hit me then!! >.<" GrRr!!
*ahem* NO! -mellow This boy was like yeh yeh whatever...so I hit harder and harder...and nothing -huh In the end my hands hurt -cry2
^ lol yep thats called playground flirting -lol Next time just get a chair and that will do the job and it wont hurt your hand...
Theres not much difference ya kno! But tong tong makes u sound like a bb!! LoL!! If u wanna sound older I could up it a bit and call u tong sok sok And yesh! I kno u overjoyed with ya new nick!! Dun be ashamed to say u cried la!! We understand ga!
lol sok sok is just too much, I aint that much older -lol im not ashamed... -sweat not crying would not be human
LoL!! Well tell everyone that u are happy with ya new name then And all thanx to me Heehee!! ^^ I bet ur very emotional right?