Used to drink milk every morning at home before I go to college. But now, after I have shifted to hostel, I haven't been drinking milk. I'm more prone to drinking milo or nescafe now.
Nice commercial for milk here. Some must be careful with lactose. other with the fat. My mum usually add ovomaltine for me. Now she recommends me to add horlick. Usualla people in Germany add chocolait or strawberry powder. Or vanilla,...
Lactose Intolerance is Normal! "Human infants, like other mammals, receive nourishment from mother's milk. Infants have an enzyme that allows milk sugar - lactose - to be digested. In most human populations, the manufacture of the lactase enzyme is "turned off" by around four years of age. The same is true of other mammals, which become lactose intolerant following weaning. The really interesting question, then, is why are some humans not lactose intolerant? And why are relatively few 'white' people - aka. of Western European origin - lactose intolerant? ... The answer lies somewhere in the past. Human beings only began to cultivate domestic grains and keep domestic animals relatively recently. Sheep and then cattle were first domesticated just over 10 000 years ago, in the Near East where the wild progenitors of these animals lived. It was here in Western Europe that some populations began an evolutionary transition to lactose tolerance. This meant that in certain individuals, as a result of genetic change the enzyme allowing the digestion of milk sugar continued to be produced throughout adult life. So these individuals no longer lost their childhood lactose tolerance but carried it into adulthood. This mutation also occurred in the Fulani people in the Sahel, although somewhat later since domesticated cattle reached this area just a couple of millennia ago. ... There is a relationship between the frequency of lactase deficiency in a population and whether or not the population was involved in intensive dairy farming. Low levels of lactase deficiency are found in European populations with a long history of dairy farming, and highest levels in populations of Asian ancestry who were not dairy farmers. Low levels also occur in other populations that rely extensively on milk in their diet (like the Fulani of Western Africa, and it is believed, Khoi pastoralists of Southern Africa). These numbers suggest that the ability to digest whole milk later in life is selected for in environments where milk is a major source of nutrition and forms an important part of the diet."
I do drink milk but not on its own...i prefer it in cereals and coffee...I find it a bit difficult to just gulp it down on its own...but i love cold milk with fruity cereals yum yum....i hate boiled milk hahaha taste weird...
i hate drinking milk, but i drink 1 cup of milk every morning cause i heard it strengthens your bones and stuff :\
I used to drink milk more often when I was younger, only because my parents forced me to. I don't normally drink milk now, and I kind of dislike the taste of skim milk with 2% fat or less. I prefer whole mik, and of course, it has more fat, but it tastes better, hehe. And I would choose chocolate milk over regular milk any day.
How can you hate milk?! I can't drink milk due to lactose intolerance but it doesn't mean I hate it. I substitute milk for soy milk and when drink the actual milk it would be when I'm home and ain't going out for the night.
I drink milk to gain more weight. Once your body get used to digesting milk, it should be fine. Just don't drink milk on an empty stomach.
I drink milk! But sometimes if I don't drink it after a few days... I have problems. =[ But it's usually fine the next day... XP
i drink milk. but i have no clue why my stomach hurts afterwards for like hours.... so i just drink it twice a week
hell no. the taste i cant stand >< i can only drink it if u add chocolate powder or boil it and add sugar and a a egg inside yum
I like to drink milk, but it gives me alot of wind. When i went primary school, everybody had to drink milk back then to make our bones grow stronger.
I think most people who live in North America drink milk. I personally don't think that it tastes that bad.