lol went to second grade and thought u're in kindergarten?? its bak to them..thast how kids r..fite cry or scream and eachother to resolve problems
lol hahah...what you want me to say? " I'm a second grader !! not a lowly kindergartener.!!! Get it straight you dumbf****"
I'm not a very physical person. Scratch that.. I am. >< I once slapped my bestfriend all day. I was totally mad at her.. but the next day.. we came back and acted like nothing was wrong. ha that was in second grade too.
oh.. so now I'm mean? She started it. She hit me.. then I got pissed and hit her.. then we kept going back and forth.. even when we both started crying. I was one stubborn child.
Well I wouldn't like people I know talking behind my back, but if I don't know them, I'll just be like, "Pfft whatever a$$hole" or something... lol.
: ) i have. This one girl last year.. hella pissed me off.. My friend had to calm me down or I would have pegged her with the tennis ball i was holding.
Ah I saw one in my school like last semester! It was pretty funny. They were talking, then one slapped one, then the other kicked her... some hair pulling a stupid friend had to break them up... it was great! lol.
Yeah I hated that back in high school. I go there for four years and they think Im still a teacher or student teacher there or something. UP side to it, I have some respect and power.
I was 16 and they thought I was 22. I guess it was from the way I dressed. But I couldn't of looked that old.