you guys are wierd your mom can't be annoying if you dont see them put a lock on your door and close it and BAM!!! no more thoughts of annoying moms
easier sed than done lol. also u will have to go and see them sometime when ur hungry and need some food lol.
that is true thats why you gotta develop a super sneaky way to get around the house for the most part become a night person because your mom usually has to work and when your up at night she is sleeping mamwamwaa then when shes at work go get food stock up and then go to your room and hide like mouse in hole
mine isn't annoying, more like stubborn...very stubborn -- mine is still in a mood with me from this afternoon -_-"
I agreed with you. Its natural all mom tends to remind / instruct you what to do what not repeatedly. Not that she wanted to but couldn't help because she love us. Despite how much you feel your mom is annoying, one day when you have your own children you'll be come like her. There is no escape. I don't feel annoyed when she nags at me simply because I kept telling my self thats her role as a mother and I've learned to discipline my self in order to get her trust as the results she'll leave me to do what I want unless I go over the border line.
not if ur male, u become a father lol and therefore u can just leave everything for the mother to do, eg all the telling off. lol.
shes f**kin annoyin me off bigtime over what i shd wear at home - when i go 2 sleep man - i rely hate her at times...
well i don't think the lecturing stops. i mean if u have children, there will be a lecture on how to bring them up and so it will continue.
yep cos deep down inside as much as u find them annoying u still love them and u know that wat they are saying makes sense and is true. whether u actually take on the advice is another matter.
my mom is so annoying sometimes like she is talkin to me and my brother and she goes on and on and on about the same thing and she ends up repeating her self, and when i wanna leave work she has to tell my brother to do somethings its like takes forever to leave when she said we are going to leave at ex. 4:00 but it always ends up to be half an hour or later. it just drices me nuts, and when she calls home to tell me to do things, she doesn't call once she calls like 5 times telling me to do the same thing or adding sumthing extra to it, like can't she just say everything once and leave it. i like my mom alot but it just makes me go crazy when she doesn't shut up and keep repeating herself all the time. but other than that everything is fine.
my mom is annoying when she start the way-too-overprotective of her children. It's like she don't treat me like an adult, she really thinks that I am like a middle schooler and start ignoring whatever I am trying to tell her. But if she left me (for whatever reasons), then I might feel loney and miss her alot though.......
i think we all find our mothers to be annoying at times, but we still love them. we find them annoying because their way of thinking is different than us since we're from different generations. my mom's thinking is old fashion. my sister is dating this guy, but my mom hates the guy and every since time i come back from college she complains about my sister's boyfriend...i just let her i still love my mom. even though we find our mothers annoying we love them and they love us...that's all it matters at the end of the day...
my mum is annoying sometimes, but then i overlook it because well, she is my mum and she works really hard to keep a roof over her families head. i still love her.