i always go to class! sometimes i try to listen and learn ... (not often) and other times i listen.. but it goes through one ear and out the other.... seriously right after the lecture i'll walk out and have no idea wat the lecture was on...-_-" not good.. lol
Most of my friends skip class and stuff, but I always attend class and will never skip. But I never really pay attention in class, I just take notes every now and then, and just doodle or just sleep, lol.
I attend all my class, but have a problem with being on time and I try to pay attention/take notes most of the time.
I try to go to all lectures and try to pay attention too. BUT sometimes it gets way toooo boring or, there may be certain people who asks questions (which I think are stupid questions lol - "no question is stupid" - i kno, but just save it for after the lecture or email the lecturer plz") and after being answered they get comfortable with asking and just keep going on and on with more ...the good thing tho, is that some lecturers are cool and tell the person to save it for later (politely of coursse). Anyways, sometimes i skipp lectures, sometimes i dont pay full attention...but i NEVER skip prac. classes.
lol im a bit of a weirdo i go to class, but i skip a lot of classes too.-surr but i always catch up on wat i missed and nerd it in class lol -innocent so ye marks are still ok. who needs school?