Do you like sequels?

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by tamagodaisuki, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. even so..... there are some good prequels, like batman begins, but im the type of dude who likes advancements in a plot, not how it happened until the main plot.. if you get my drift lol
  2. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I get your point... I personally are MUCH more lenient with PREquels as they don't have to be VERY original to be good... as long as they have a connection of sorts with the original, then I am pretty happy...

    I guess that means I have lower expectation of PREquels :p
  3. lol perhaps -lol

    like superman for example... i wanted to know what happened after superman went away with lana lang (superman III?) instead of the prequel where he returned from the training in space (superman returns)...
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ LOL, I don't quite know the franchaise (nor the comic book) so no comment.

    But I didn't like the film in itself, not because it's a PREquel or a new installment of an older franchaise, but because it is a boring and sorry excuse of a film @_@b
  5. the only prequels ive ever accepted was partially batman begins,

    and the star wars trilogies.... george lucas actually filled the second trilogy before the first.. which i had to watch the first to completely understand the story lol

    that was an exception... theres supposed to be a third trilogy btw lol
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Didn't follow Star Wars... so no comment on that... Althought I was told it's one of the greatest film ever.

    Didn't like the latest 2 though =_=b Hayden Christensen is like... stoic, in a bad way too =_=bbb

    And you know he's from Markham??? My friend used to be his classmates??? And he's indeed quite good looking :p
  7. lol i was about to say it when you mentioned his name lmao

    he went to unionville... my teacher at trudeau was his teacher hahahahaha

    OT: where did you go for high school if you dont mind me asking?
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Me? Campbell, I am one of those hyper geeks (or nerds?) you'll find there...

    And you??? You were in Montreal for High school right?
  9. lol wheres campbell... LOL -lol

    nah... came here in 1998... i was in grade 4... went to a french school here, and then went to trudeau..
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    oh wow, you are YOUNG!!! OMG I feel so ancient...

    Albert Campbell, it's in Scarborough.
  11. what are you talking about... lol

    im in university now... -lol
  12. MasterJin

    MasterJin Well-Known Member

    Anyone mentioned 007: James Bond???

    I don't know if u call it a sequel since there's been around 12 or 13. Not sure, but just wondering what people think of it.

    I personally don't like all of them. Some are really good like...... Cant think of the names. LOL
    I didnt like the last one though... Casino Royale. Was a disappointing movie. U can ask my good friend Master_G (He's somewhere on this forum). He fell asleep watching it. Hahaha. Went to watch it with him in the cinemas and he was snoring during the first 10mins of the movie... and that was the best/ most action packed bit of the movie. LOL
  13. pto88

    pto88 Well-Known Member

    I agree

    Original movie receives good feedback with solid box office showing....sequel made to milk it for all it's worth