i only use the F word when somoene is acting like a 5 year old kid. U know what i'm talking about, the ones that like always try to get attention, or like not care about life at all. don't everyone hate those people?
I didnt use the F word but instead I have my own tag line [non-vulgar] if I want to release any anger that is inside me.
Fuck is one f*cking great f*cking word. I don't f*cking know how I could f*cking possibly speak a f*cking sentence without it. It's just a f*cking word, what's the big f*cking deal? It's probably more important than common words like 'the' or 'a' or even 'scrumtrulescent.'
every 5 words sounds about right, it has become a word of the enlish language, soon it might just end up in the dictionary...
I do say it sometimes; just only when I am piss off abt some stuff. Girls are human being too, so I guess is fine to say it but not all the time or in every single sentence.
i stoped saying it when i bacame a real christian, it became a repulsive word. i must admit it does slip out now and again especially when i get beat online at mario cart ds :(
^That's the spirit! And @ THF20, there are many, many girls who say f*ck. In fact, I've seen on more than one occasion hear it coming out from cute girls. It's HAWT.
Man, I use the f-bomb like crazy. Must be all the "rock n roll" I listen to As for girls who use it, it depends: it fits some girls like a glove, other not so much. Obscene language in the hands of the right lady can be quite the turn on though, seeing as I've always been attracted to chicks with attitude.