if you are human, it's natural, nobody likes seconds. however, if you like him/her enough, you will look past that.
Unless the guy is a very reasonable person, I guess the boy will probably mind that his gf have sex before. As much as the guy loves her, I think deep down the guy will still be a bit bothered by it. But if the guy really loves her, then he will probably not show it even if he does say he does not mind.
man i seriously don't care...but yeah i would never hoook up with my mates ex in the first place but other than that i don't mind if my gf has had sex with her ex partners before, doesn't bother me. If guys are allowed to have sex with more than 1 girl...why can't girls? I don't know why people have the perception that just because their gf are not virgins, they automatically feel that they are "used". It kinda annoys me actually.
nobody likes to know their bf/gf has been with their friend before. she dont have to mention it unless the guy asks her. but i guess most probably the guy already knew.
I never try to know about the past relationships of my present girl friend . I never mind if my prescnt girl friend has relationships with other in the past.Every one has the right to live his/her own life.
Yes, I've date my friend ex before too ... and i'll said that i'll not mind coz i've expected that having sex are too common in relationship in this century ... so i'll never ask about the past, but if she's going to say it, it'll juz listen ... u can't change history rite?
she shouldnt tell him about her past relationships. has nothing to do with him but i wouldnt go out with any of my ex's friends
lol Wow, Ur parter has sex with ur friends o,o so disloyal, i mean such friends =P , lol Dump him/her, if they have sex with anyone but you , could get STD lol
not if u've used protection and u use protection, that will reduce the chance of getting an std. whats this got to do with ur partner having sex with ur friend. there is the same chance with anybody who's done it before. lol.
What is the whole point of a relationship and commitment if one person can go have some fun with the other's friend?
hell yeah, i mean i should know before i even go out with her, and she would be done if she even cheated on me, these things are a must to know >___<
honestly, she doesn't have to say anything... as long as her bf knows that they went out before, that's fine... if he ask then she can tell, otherwise i wouldn't bring it up.
well upon reflection of this question, it does depend on the situation which u have been put upon. basically if it happened after an argument and both got drunk in a rough time then it could be forgiveable. also, if u were married with ur partner and perhaps had a child and sleeping with ur friend was a mistake after a drunken night then that should def be forgiven as they are a lot more devastating effects which could happen if u break up for the child. it all depends upon the situation and ur willingness to forgive also whilst weighing up problems which could happen as a result of the break up.
huh.....i would mind if my exboyfriend sleeps with my friend....it's kind of like a silent competition thing if he sleeps with both you and your friend..like hwo's better? hahaha does it makes snese to anyone here besides me?? anyway....i think she should tell her current boyfriend. I dont think guys woul dmind it as much as girls....then again, i'm a girl...so...yeah
well...if they were friends...he prbly already told him...and if not...i think its not such a big deal...it will be really awkward...i have a friend who's in the same situation...and she's still dating that guy...and her bf and ex bf dont talk to each other again....its also because they had a huge fight and stuff...but i think its totally fine to tell him...