Only once in a long long while with the family. But ain't that good.... so... "chicken" win ftw :/ I wish I had MJ playing friends....
is there a Mah Jong rulebook posted anywhere on the net ? Be nice to know all the special hands and bonus points.
You don't need to be a true Chinese to play MJ. My nieces & newphews are ages of 8 & 10 and they play. We got a set with #s and letters on the left-hand corner of the tiles. I used to play on years ago. I hope that they still have it on active.
Lol, my gwai lo friend is well, as i said gwai lo, not even chinese but he picked up mahjong WELL easy, lol.
once u understand the basics its really to understand. You don't really need to understand or to know chinese in order to play. Probably about 'pung' or 'chi'.
I had a friend who created something at Wiki. But it is Singapore Style. You can check it out here
i play it like at christmas and times like that when my cousins are around, but for some reason they all play different rules, or they're making up rules which i don't know if there right or wrong
i try, but i'd definately lose all my money if i gamble.. only know the most basic combo, and i have no idea how to tally up points, let alone figure out how much everyone should pay :s