Do you ppl believe in God?

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by imp, Jan 29, 2005.


Do you ppl believe in God?

  1. Yes

    91 vote(s)
  2. No

    66 vote(s)
  3. Not sure

    43 vote(s)
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  1. AnAddict

    AnAddict Well-Known Member

    i thought ur soul goes to heaven/ never heard of spirit
  2. benison

    benison Member

    well they say god works in mysterious ways, therefore even there is suffering you will not know how god works to make things better or such. I don't really believe in god, I just believe to be a better person and that makes the world a better place to live in.
  3. ug1yu

    ug1yu Active Member

    Hell No. All these religion is made up .
  4. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    if we didn't suffer, do you think you'd mature as a person? do you think we'd even need God if we lived perfect, happy lives? nooooo.

    and it's not like God makes us suffer, although many people seem to use Him as a scapegoat for all the stuff that happens in their lives.
  5. When good things happen people attribute it to themselves
    When bad things happen people blame the creator

    your soul does go to heaven, but your spirit becomes your new body when your physical body dies. Just as an Astral Traveller (Very bad occult practice) can leave their body and move about in their spirit body with no limitations. The soul can not move about on its own, it would be like a car with no wheels or a body with no limbs etc.

    In essence we are Extremely privileged spiritual beings in a physical body.
  6. pirvee

    pirvee Well-Known Member

    no, i don't think is can be so simple..just one creature for al this magnificent things what happens in nature.
  7. not sure what ur saying....
  8. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    he is saying he dont believe that its to easy for just someone to create everything he saying it must be more complicated
  9. is he is saying that God cant be God..., or the Creator cant Create...

    or is he more at home with the big explosion theory?
    #209 master_g, May 4, 2007
    Last edited: May 4, 2007
  10. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Similar things happened to me, but after much thoughts and consideration, i came to realize that focusing only on God and Him alone is the most important. Humans fail because of circumstances and so on, but not Him since from beginning till end, what He says, He'll do. Hopefully one day, you'll return going to church. :)

  11. In church you will find many hypocrites, you will find people who only play being a Christian on Sundays etc. you got to look past it and focus on your relationship with God like wind2000 said. wouldn't it suck if you missed out because of some pretend Christians at your old church.

    you have issues with religion which is completely fine, so put religion aside and seek a relationship with Jesus. find another church with like minded people or even better, find a group of friends and have discussions and study groups at home, the people are the church, not the building.

    we will always have hypocrits in the church, its satans main target after all, if you dont believe that then read the testimonies of ex Satanist who have become Christians through the power of Jesus. It was also Gods own people who had Jesus crucified. the book of revelation makes a very good mention of these people

    Many will tell me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your
    name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty
    works? Then I will tell them, 'I never knew you. Depart from
    me, you who work iniquity.

    P.S, all who read this, please understand that Christianity and Roman Catholicism are two DIFFERENT religions.
  12. Yea, i believe in God. Humans just don't suddenly appear in the face of the earth. Yes, no doubt, theres such thing as the big bang and all those scientific facts, but at the end of the day, it's based on what you believe in! I know you people would probably ask "then who created God? he can't just exist like that either". I guess that's one question no one can answer. =)
  13. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    @master_g: i really appreciate all you said about people being the church and all that good stuff. but to clarify (this is probably why some demoninations within Christianity are so pitted against one another because they always exclude each other from "Christianity"): Roman Catholicism is a denomination within Christianity as is Protestantism, Baptism. While other beliefs such as Jehovah's Witness and Mormons are not quite underneath the "Christian" title because they believe in separate Gods (in other words, Jesus, Holy Spirit and God as 3 separate persons, entities) and have their own Bibles (with some twisted facts --> well, because i'm of a different denomination, i think that the J.W. and Mormon Bibles twist the facts a little) while you'll notice that the aforementioned 3 denominations believe in the Trinity. and if you still feel differently, do tell. and i always try to avoid the word religion because my belief isn't a religion. it's a relationship.

    @fortifiedfaith: on NBC (if you live in the states.. i'm not really sure if you can watch NBC from other countries?) on May 9, 2 PM Eastern, there's going to be a debate between Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron vs. atheists. Comfort & Cameron are proving the existence of God without using the Bible and disproving the theory of Darwinism :) check it out, if you can
  14. Roman Catholicism is a completely different religion, the only similarity is the mention of Jesus, everything else is different. i do believe there are a few within the Roman catholic church who are truly saved through Jesus and Jesus alone. not Mary. crosses, statues, priests, popes, rosary beads, confession, hail marys, mass etc etc etc. almost everything forbidden in the bible is practised by the Roman catholic institution. The amount of Christians beheaded by the Roman catholic institution is terrible, if they had there way, bibles would have been completely wiped out.

    so in the end Roman catholic belief are as bad or even worse that that of JW or LDS churches etc.
  15. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Same could be said to other denominations of Christians. It all really comes down to the reason a person goes to church.
  16. yeah true, if you go for Jesus then that's good, if you go for statues and hail mary' and canonized humans to worship then that's very bad. i think there should be more of a definition between denominations and complete ofsprings.
  17. hc1986

    hc1986 Active Member

    I don't believe in god at all.
  18. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    @master_g: have you really tried to learn about Catholic teachings and such? how it is worse than Jehovah's Witness and whatever LDS is? -huh

    @wind2000: thanks. perhaps one reason why people are disbelieving is because they see a split, even among Christians. as long as you go to church for God and God alone, God will lead you to the truth and wherever He wants you to be.
  19. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    'definition between denominations and complete ofsprings.' i have no idea wtf your talking about lol -bigclap
  20. stuff like:

    the Rosary
    confession to a priest,
    infant baptism,
    the Mass,
    Holy Communion,
    Mary as co-redeemer,
    prayer to the saints,
    prayer to statues,
    papal infallibility

    most mature catholic's dont even know the bible. tbh i take back that they are worse, if your not walking with Jesus then your not walking with Jesus, theres no better or worse.

    google it,

    the abbreviated bad language wasn't necessary.
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