Do you ppl believe in God?

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by imp, Jan 29, 2005.


Do you ppl believe in God?

  1. Yes

    91 vote(s)
  2. No

    66 vote(s)
  3. Not sure

    43 vote(s)
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  1. choang121

    choang121 Member

    totally agree with u wendy
  2. joycesays

    joycesays Well-Known Member

    im atheist and for a while i questioned whether there was a god but a lot of people kept on trying to convert me so it lead to me sorta resent religion rather than want to convert like some people intended for me to do.
  3. wt-tr

    wt-tr Active Member

    Im nearly sure that these religions have nothing to do with god (if theres one) But i'm not so sure about wheter theres a god or not just like u i don't know and i don't have any proof either.. But I think there wouldnt be anything to worry about your life in the world after death in any case ..
    Sorry but this religion thing would be history in some time i guess (or just hope :d ) Ppl just cant stand the thought of disappearig forever. If u think about the begining of your conscious life then try to go back and ull find whats waitin for ya after life.. well all be lost in emptiness. Either way thinking too much about before or after life doesn't help ur real life and thats all u have now.. Ppl use god to explain things they cant understand nor explain logically. But now it's just a matter of time explaining the unknown by science. U know to prove sth doesnt exist is much harder to prove it exists. And if u even believe without needing a proof theres not much to do to show the truth with science or logic at this point... Anyway u cant be sure about anything theres just one thing "Cogito ergo sum" Believe whatever u wish but seek your own truth by your brains ;) Dude nevermind im talking nonsense :D
  4. danchua

    danchua Member

    God is real to those who believe just like ghost.....
  5. Wilhito

    Wilhito Member

    I have been through too much and seen too much to not believe there is "something" out there. I have studied various religions and they all seem to lead back to a single godhead. In my 30 years of observation I have seen enough evidence of a hidden plan to refute the existence of "something". I would be nieve to think that our ancestors, across the globe I might add, have a central belief in something more grand than themselves. The many faces of God are reflected in thousands of years of history, tradition, politics, and folklore.

    It would be a much more peaceful place if people just tried to be good people instead of pushing traditions on each other. Religion is the downfall, because it is a detail of a process of how to know "It" based on localities. You must do this, this, and this or you are doomed. Oh that other country's religion is bad. Blah Blah.

    Just think of a world where we all just tried to be good people and love one another.

    *** Hippie-mode de-activated ***
  6. blue_cooler

    blue_cooler Member

    God is abstract, so it depends on your faith. If u believe then u don't have to prove anything. Cause god has no image, not like human. It's in your mind and the key is faith.
  7. Enois

    Enois Member

    of course I belevie in god, becauce this world and those creation must have someone how create them, and I thing I don't need science or anything to make me blevie in god

    I think no I actually I know that god is here, because when I ask him for somthing if he did not give this thing now, I know that he will give it to me later either in my life or after my death " of course I know this becuase my prophet told us so...and I blevie every world he said"

    I know you may said How can you know that the prophet (who is also a human) told you the right and the true things? I will answer you that this un-educated man who did not know even how to write.... give us a book that in our laguage (arbian) consider very tough and contuine information that people just discover know (this book was written by his followers before 1415 years), and it contain many science information that people just notice them now...

    Also he used a very hard vocab that educated people in that time was suprised by what he said....

    My belevie of God will (in shaa Alllah) remain until my death ...

    finally I want to to just remmmber that: life is just a test from god for us to see which one will pass, and which will faill, because of that some people have mesirable life and some have a wonderful life ...

    I hope my word reach you, cause I really get pissed when I hear people said that god do not exist ....
  8. THF20

    THF20 is a Chinese

    Yes, I believe them. But I dont think they exist anymore... cause they didnt really talk to us ever...
  9. triky

    triky Member

    I believe in god about as much as I believe in Aliens. I won't straight out say they exist just because I was told so or what some book says about the two but Im also not going to deny their existence simply because I don't know and I doubt anyone else really knows either. I mean its called belief (or faith) for a reason.
  10. cheggypu

    cheggypu Member

    maybe god
    but NOT the bible
  11. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    God is just used as an explanation to things we cannot explain. and since there is no way to come about it, ppl believe in God.
  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i believe there is a god and only one god
  13. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    i don't know if there is or not, but for one big fact, i think every place and every religion does have a god.
  14. hocky

    hocky Member

    there is too much things we can't know so i belive in God
  15. zack1987

    zack1987 Well-Known Member

    I don't belive in god... the bible is a book of fairytales <.<

    gez zack1987 :D
  16. dayofnight

    dayofnight Active Member

    well god or no god ... ill believe it if i c one
  17. leefooleong

    leefooleong Well-Known Member

    There is a lot of things that we can't see eg. air, gravity, etc. But yet you know it exist and believed in it. So, why not GOD?
  18. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    dont think you'll ever see "it"
  19. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    Sometimes, I believe I AM "God". -tongue2
  20. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    i dont think u have to believe the bible to believe God...

    anywaz... I believe God... and I believe some stories of the Bible... it's all good =p
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