Do you ppl believe in God?

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by imp, Jan 29, 2005.


Do you ppl believe in God?

  1. Yes

    91 vote(s)
  2. No

    66 vote(s)
  3. Not sure

    43 vote(s)
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  1. thanatosxvi

    thanatosxvi Active Member

    i do not believe in god. there is no proof that god exists and there is no prove that doesnt exist. i'll w8t til there is proof that there is until i become a believer.
    all religions or religious texts will just be considered as fictional writings.

    some philosophers believe that religion was created because they needed order in society, or they feared the unknown of death. the idea of god or a divine being i see it, is a lie that gets people to behave a certain way because they want to believe that they will go to heaven or hell when their time of judgment occurs.
  2. i believe there maybe is a afterlife... but that there isnt a god.. there are so much things happened in the past, that is just enough for me to believe that god doesnt exist
  3. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    yea.. thats right. Sunday service is going to replenish your moral values so go ahead and be evil and selfish now.
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    On a side note: to those who believes in Afterlife, what exactly would it be like? A different plane of existence many says, but wouldn't it be kind of crowded after all these centuries of dead people?

    Don't take it too seriously, I got inspired by the His Dark Material series, the third book kind of touch on that.

    @Xiaojia: Let her enjoy her selfishness and evil while she can. She can ride the moral high wagon when she go back to Sunday service.
  5. lol, i dont know.. but its just weird.. to know.. that maybe after this life u wont exist anymore.. i think its just a way to let myself feel better.. that theres maybe some hope in my after life..

    but again we will never know....

    but what do u believe in after u died hiake? u just think u stop existing and ur "soul" is gone forever?
  6. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    well.. if she doesn't believe in afterlife, she most likely doesn't even believe in a soul.. I might be wrong though.. haha..

    The buddhist belief is that we repeat the cycle of life and death over and over again forever.. unless we attain enlightenment of cos. So for me.. afterlife is just life.. back to square one.. sort of at least.
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Well. Dying is, you know, DYING. Ceasing to exist. I take comfort to know there isn't much more to life beyond death (may sound weird)

    Becoming dust (somewhat a variation of buddhist belief) is my take on the whole afterlife thing. The conscious cease, flesh decay to dust. And these very same dust, after going through a long chain of mechanisms (up plants then consumed by human whatever) eventually "become" the flesh and blood of another human being. But I wouldn't have any knowledge of that, of course, as MY conscious is eliminated (kind of) at death.
  8. u just opened my mind alot.. u work as a scientist :p or u are? miss labrat? xD

    but what u said makes some sense...
  9. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    OH god! i end up arguing with this q!!
    but sorry guys, i do NOT believe in god!!
    and i dunno... how can u believe in god?!?!
  10. benjwang

    benjwang Well-Known Member

    of cos, how else was i made this perfect?
  11. tree

    tree Well-Known Member

    lol benjwang! a week ago i visited this thread n saw ur post and then i saw your pics and i was thinking "what the ... ... perfect?" so i decided to wait till someone posted something else first but seems like noone had the urge to ............... 0.o wonder why huh.
  12. Vinceey

    Vinceey Member

    I used to be agnostic, but leaning towards atheism. I just don't see God in this world. I've been reading the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins (halfway through) and the more I read, the more I lean towards atheism. Its a very good book and I think everybody shud have a go at it. Now I m not saying everything in that book is the absolute truth, read it and then think about it from both perspective, the theist and the atheist.
  13. Shadowz

    Shadowz Member

    The fact that we exist and function points to a Creator. Just marvel about your brain sometime - it is the most complicated thing in the known universe w/ 100 billion cells, 500,000 connections and gives you the ability to process... and THINK!

    We have computers that *might* match up w/ human computing capacity in ~5 years yet they will never be able to do any more than follow programming whereas we are so much more - and can become more.
  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Well, don't we all wanted to believe that we are created? We are just SUCH awesome animals, as benjwang said there is no single other possible reason but a God!

    If there is a God, he probably forgot to pick out the delusional aspects of human beings, but yeah, God's probably not there to answer most of the prayers. But no, God didn't create human beings, much as I hated to think myself remotedly related to chimps and monkeys (about 5 thousand generations or so ago?)

    Who is this God anyways? Even IF, and it's a HUGE if, there is a God, why is there such discrepency in scriptures which descibe him (or it)?? Don't give me the "oh the other religions are false religion with a false idol" BS, because it is simply impossible to tell if your religion is the true religion or someone else's is.

    I am sure they pass on teachings that are moral and righteous, but they seems to have problems adhering to their own preaching. Religion bring little to the table besides bloodshed as of now.
  15. Arctic_fire

    Arctic_fire Well-Known Member


    I believe in science
  16. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    i don't really know,perhaps i believe in both science and god
  17. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    @ hiake: if we were all perfect, there wouldn't be a need for God would there? and what discrepency in scriptures? examples? i don't think of my belief as a religion. rather, it's a relationship like any other. cept for the fact that the person on the other end is God, not a physical human. and about the hypocrites who don't adhere to their own teaching.. that's just them, not all people who believe in that same belief.
  18. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Yes, i personally believe in God. Why is it that ppl in general blames God for mistakes that we humans do? What delusional aspects are you talking about and the discrepancy are you relating to?
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    On the other hand, if God is almighty wouldn't he create something less... well, inefficient? The fact that believers use "humans are complicated therefore we must have been created by an intelligent God" seems to sound as if we should be pretty perfect as is, otherwise we could have been just happened instead of created. You cannot have both sides of the argument, it's either yes, God have created something not very efficient or yes, we are pretty perfect thus there must be a God who created us.

    It's not very logical to say "we are kind of complicated and kind of perfect, although still quite inefficient, so there must be a God who created us"? What kind of argument is that?

    Again, it all goes back to religion being the safety net of all arguments, if you cannot explain it, there must have been some higher power (as an explanation). Which in fact, explained nothing. I could totally have said my salt shaker is SO divine it created the universe, but since we have limited knowledge of the world inside and out (I never deny this) you CANNOT disprove my salt shaker being divine and created the universe and everything in it.


    Discrepancies in scriptures... Hmmm... Bible vs. Qur'an vs. Tanach ring any bell? Every single one of them insisted that their represented religion (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) is THE true religion (while the detail varies) so mind pointing me to the true path?

    Lastly, about those who don't adhere to their preachings. When the faith is FILLED with such hypocrites and they happen to be the influential people, one cannot help but wonder if there's something wrong with the system. Crusade and witch hunt came to mind -- the blaming game is ALWAYS on and ENDORSED by religious officials, why?

    I am not denying that there are good people who are religious, but the same can be said of atheists and agnoists (just because one doesn't have a faith doesn't mean one is going to wack mayhem). Being good is expected of all people (IMO), and I maintain that if they haven't preached, they can do all they want without being a hypocrite, but after the preaching, it's an entirely different story -- aka HYPOCRISY.
  20. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    God indeed created humans, but He also gave us the choice either to follow Him or not. He's not a dictator that FORCES us to choose. No one is perfect, if there's perfection, why would there be aging and death?

    As to the discrepancies that occur between Judaism, Islam and Judaism, this occurred because humans generally like to "OWN" something, which can make them look or feel superior. Yes, there are some variations between the 3, but if you look closer into their details, you can see that they are pretty much identical in many ways, they might differ in some sense because during those times, politics and religions mingle together and often causes ppl to twists the facts. There's only one God in the universe.

    Not adhering to their preachings has nothing to do with God. Its not like He's pointing a gun towards us and say we have to do this or that. He gave us choices to choose what we want to follow or do. Crusade and witch hunt HAVE NEVER been God's decision, but men's because of their greed for power and wealth. Its true that throughout history, "religion" has failed many people, but keep in mind that it is the ppl's action and not God's teachings. One cannot blame on God for man's decadent actions similar to a kid playing with fire after being warned by his parents. Knowing the consequences of playing with fire could be dangerous and yet he continues to do it, in the end he gets hurt, who gets the blame? The parents because they didnt lock up the materials that cause fire? That wouldnt be fair nor right, would it? Same thing applies to God and men.
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