i've been wearing glasses for 13 years ... i have the so-called-lazy-eyes : 425 / 275. finally with the support (finally and emotionally) from the bf, i've decided to go for lasik surgery. never regretted a day since then! now i wake up in the morning with super clear visions - there's no need for me to look for my glasses the moment i wake up.
I have been wearing glasses since I was 12 years old. Now I'm 27 years old and it is -9.0 and -8.75 I'm blind >__<
i have glasses, they're reading glasses (+.75), but I'm scared to keep wearing it because I heard if you keep wearing your glasses, your eyes will get worse. :(
ive been wearin mine for awhile now >.< i think i'd look weird w/o em now i dunno wat my prescription is tho..
been wearing glasses for....13years now...but only -2.25, so not that bad wore contact lenses for about 5 years though
Yeah, I wear glasses too. I have wear it for 13 years no. And it start with -075 and now i already got -525 :(
I think everyone in my family wears glasses, haha! I actually really like wearing them and would never replace them with laser eye surgery or contacts or whatever unless I absolutely had to.
i wear glasses but i don't know what my prescription. i've had then for about two years and i'm still not use to then yet.