5ft 7 is tall for a girl... I think. A very good height too. But I ain't 5ft 7 @Hiake: Oh there u are!
Well, seems like the last page or two on this thread is dedicated to BR's height, what am I supposed to think?! -lol Yup, finally hooked back onto the highway
hmmzz.... height is certainly one of the points in the checklist but if u really like that person , i don't height will matters....
Well I'm pretty short myself, so I'd like to have a guy who is at least a little taller than me. But I think in the end for most people, it comes down to personality.
personally i prefer a guy who's taller than me.. but then again.. if i rly loved him i wouldnt care anyway
Taller men. As it is I am petite and short. I want someone who can take things off the shelves for me and not the other way round.....LOL
if she did mind , she would of taken it into consideration before she started going out with you right ??? =P but then again , i'd personally wouldnt want my gf to be taller than me. but you shouldnt worry too much about it though .
i would love to have a boyfriend whos taller than me by 5 inches, itll look a lot better wen ur outside
I'm like 182 cm tall and all this asian gals i know are 158cm + so i dont think any guy can be shorter than that.....
the ones you know are ±158... doesnt mean all asian girls are like that... im 165... and i know other girls which are even taller than i am.
damn~ there is this girl that i like , she is a bit taller than me.....if she wears high heals........puff !! definetly will see the difference!!! NOO!!
l think the sex would be wierd for the gurl. cuz the guy is on the gurls boobs and the gurl is just like midair