Drama's Ending

Discussion in 'Can't Buy Me Love - 公主嫁到' started by kevin, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    What do you think of the ending?

    Happy ending is nice right >.<
  2. sammy85

    sammy85 Member

    Just finished the show and watched the special too. I am quite satisfied with this series, from top to bottom. There were plenty of LOL moments. Only wished there were more couple scenes (especially Mo & Seh).

    I think ah Mo and ah Seh created amazing sparks in this series, which reminds me a bit of Dance of Passion. It's good to see them together now since they didn't get together in Beyond the Realm of Conscience.

    This series is a no brainer, light hearted and easy to watch. Although rapping in an Ancient show seems silly, it was part of the package, so I enjoyed it. It wasn't all silly, as towards the end the storyline got pretty emotional, and strategic... I really liked how all the princesses ganged up together to help Charmaine.

    The references back to BTROC was good too (the songs, the kids).

    Talented cast and crew! I hope they get awards this year!!

    The NGs are really funny too!
  3. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    Yes, I also watched the special and 2 last episodes!

    Yeah, it was really touching when all the princess ware all together and begging the king to let kam family go.
    It did have some funny parts too! Like when ah sei was locked in that room and she thought dor sau was sau bau! ROFL!

    Love the rapping! hahas. And also NG clips is LOL! When they were carrying dor luk and his head kept hitting the shelf thingy. haha. A
  4. billyili

    billyili New Member

    it was good
  5. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Yup, the rapping part were the best!

    The special eps were good, bet that prostitute (in the drama) got happs when she won the golden bowl and chopstick!
  6. kawaiigirl

    kawaiigirl Well-Known Member

    It was a nice ending :D it's a comedy so it wouldn'T be cool if someone die in the end ^^
  7. tvbfansi

    tvbfansi Well-Known Member

    Clap Clap...ClapClapClap...ClapClap...ClapClapClapClap

    Welcome a II soon...so said ah Sheh also prefered this a II. But I guess mahmah will be a different person then or rested.

    MahMah is actually the key in this series also.
  8. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    ^dude that's fail clapping -_-
  9. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I have to say the rating for this drama was well deserved. Happy ending is always nice but that's not always the case. For this drama though, it was appropriate. From the very beginning all the way to the end, it wasn't bad at all .. surprisingly .. gotta give prop to the writers too for putting together such an incredible script .. for the first time since God knows when .. I actually like watching a drama from TVB. Certainly hope for better drama down the road. We all need the laugh now .. during such difficult economic time.
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    What I found interesting, given contemporary politics, that TVB was willing to acknowledge that Chang An (what is now Xian, then capital of the Tang), fell and that Tang citizens were slaughtered by Turkic tribes. Not many people outside of historians would even care about the Anshi rebellion.

    So far as the story is concerned? I want a Golden Piggie, too! Ha ha...
  11. zhou

    zhou Well-Known Member

    thought it was going to end when that queen died but i like the ending it was touching
  12. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    its satisfying, i like this series overall, u can tell the effort everyone put in, actors & behind the scene ppl, great stuff :) scripts are good too. Wish they can play more NG clips!!!! not enough not enough~~

    i hope raymond wong can get nominated in best improved ^^

  13. onni

    onni Well-Known Member

    i was a happy ending, i like it very much. except the little girl that where she saw the small boy and she said "she thinks she likes him", i don't think this part is necessary lor.
  14. tvbfansi

    tvbfansi Well-Known Member

    Yes...NG should have more.

    Yes again...Raymond Wong did very well in this and the When Lanes Merge, shall get nominated.

    Clap Clap Clap
  15. whitenight

    whitenight Well-Known Member

    I thought the ending was good for a series like this. I liked the references to BTROC throughout this series like it wasn't trying to take itself so seriously. I think all the actors did a good job in this series and it was funny to see all those kids in the end. I would like to see a sequel. One thing that I hope the TVB scriptwriters don't overuse is the poisonous drink not actually being poisonous. You can only use that so many times before it turns silly.
  16. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Hah, that is true, I knew it was all a plan, in what TVB series does all the protagonist die like that? None.
  17. ck198888

    ck198888 Well-Known Member

    Just finished watching it. I thought the ending was good. The show overall has a lot of laughters. I am sure TVB will do another sequel.
  18. rotizai84

    rotizai84 Active Member

    Yeah... the ending was good. Happy ending i like the most...
  19. Abalone84

    Abalone84 New Member

    yes, i loved the ending..
    and the storyline was good, they are very well inter-related..

    such as 'mahmah' went to temple to concentrate in buddha teachings and ended up saving chiu yong :)
    and many more....
  20. Duong

    Duong Member

    Nice ending with the kids and a happy end I would say?! :p