*yay*...i got a mention w00T w00T....-blush2 ooo i dun get the link at the bottome...it just links back to this page wor..-huh
Lmao... hahaha omg... bb.. you jus got ownd by Knoc... tsk tsk... I can see it now.. 2008: A Look Back.. -xmichelly posts naughty pics of herself for all the members to see on her birthday
hahhaha.. well then mark my words.. you will be corrupted.. -devil I think it's just a matter how much alcohol it's gonna take.. hahaha
hahahaha...knoc u know its not just some crotch fetish.... 2008... im telling u knoc... 2008.... im pretty sure thats when ima be kickin that bot crotch of urs hahahaha u just had to bring that up ehhh a verrrrry big thank u to all the mods and everyone who contributed to PA.... Thank u for making my boring times... fun... its official...and i admit! Im an addict now....-lol
hahahah... yes! cause it was freakin' hilarious! but you know I still love you righ? -flow I can see it already.. 2008 look back... -angie cheeks with 10K posts.. '
i was thinking about it... but damn... hahaha i dont WANT to slack as much as i did.... but hey...yeah...i guess...its do-able as long as i wont be doing it at work like gettin vip-ed hahaha...
you're not cool no way... it's ok tho.. I'll still buy you some drinks hahaha.. hahaha PA is not slacking at all.. guess your new years resolution should be keeping your job.. hahah but then not keeping it would encourage you to not spend as much.. -whistle
yeah...imagine if i pa too much... id be already failing in spending too much and not get a pay raise...hmmm as much as i absolutely love PA....i cant feed myself with posts hahaha
hahah please.. you're not even thinking about feeding yourself with those jimmy choos and what not you be getting/ trying to get..
hahahaha...i dont even have any jimmy choos yet.... hmmm....thats something to look forward to..sorta like a reward if i get a pay raise haha jk jk -lol
well as a matter of fact jimmy choo my cousin.. -cool2 hey 07 I believe the server got upgraded to a super fast one?? and what else...??