balls. i bet you i can find 5 posts from me in that section. unlike you, you should get out of the viet section you viet wannabe hahahahhaa
lol dann is already having enough problems with identity theft, no need to masquerade as him on different forums
^ lol i should probably take that as a compliment, cuz like fearless said, i got people who want to steal my identity cuz im so popular hahahahaha
HAHAAHHAHAA omg this is too funny! HAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA uve got too much time on ur hands lol..well dann...its either that or u just have lotsa enemies who want to give u a bad rep
LIKe screwing them over...PA suporter -lol but i think that thers nothing u can do as a ull be banned quick if u do some stupid sooommmmeeeooonnnnnneeee
Haha created an account, whoever wants to invade can post their shit with this: [HIDE]UN: PAzOWNED P-word: Spamon[/HIDE]
^^Bahahahhahahahahah angie ur too no actually i would do just dunno for an idea to
OKOK...ima spam away on that forum with ur acc oki.... & link to PA hahaha u'll be banned in an instant LOOK AT THIS "Welcome to our newest member, PAzOWNED' MUAAAAHAHAHA Lol.....i expect something nice from u -edit i just went to that forum... crap its sooo dead....=/ toooo boring..... i wouldnt last a day over there lol u gotta love paaaaaaaaaaaaa <3
LOL! why are we spamming other forum?! they only copied the name PA but backwards... lol. hahaha* but that form looks kinda dead. rofl.