i used to not like it at all. i still can't stand to eat it straight, but i'm able to enjoy durian flavored food like ice cream and desserts..yum!
Had it when I was a kid. Thought it was ice cream so I kept eating it. Love it and never stopped loving it.
ppl never try it.. will think the smelt is bad.. if you try that .. you will never say it is disgusting........
I find that only the ACTUAL real fruit is DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELICIOUS!! All other artificial products of durian is just WRONG. Boo~
I'm chill with the smell.. it doesn't borther me.. but like should i try it.. i dunno i'm hesitating to try it lol
I basicly grew up eating durian, I love it so much... Can't believe people think they stinks To bad I live in Europe now, I can only buy frozen durians or icecream of it, but still they are not bad at all. I do like the real fresh product more
Actually there was a case where someone reported a gas leakage and called emergency number, only to find that the owner of the apartment had some durian fruit on the table. It does release some sort of smell but at the same time, the taste is .......... HMMMmm.. mmmm.. yummy.
I've tried durian. It was the worst experience of my life. I didn't have an appetite for a while afterwords. It's like a mix of sewer stagnant water, with an overpowering kick of rotting spoiled onions and a pound of garlic in one bite. Thinking about it still makes my stomach cringe. I'm not sure if it was just the durian I tasted that was bad but I'll never try it again.