Durian is good eats!! Have you try durian muchi? or durian pancake, or deep fried durian paste! It is better then durian alone.
actually i dont see why people say this fruit smells bad, and hard to eat, its not worst than eating insects or bugs rite
It smells really bad, but the taste is actually fine. Try freezing it and cut it up thinly and it will taste a bit better. And the smell wouldn't be as bad.
when i was small, my parents force me to eat it, and i started to like it But... i don't like the smell.
My favourite fruit! =] I usually eat this in front of people who don't like them -devil I love the smell of Durian, but i know some people who doesn't like the smell but they like the taste of it =S
LOL i love durian that's so soft it's like eating ice cream! But for me, it only tastes good WHILE you're eating it.... it has such a bad after taste and you'll be burping durian smell for the rest of the day -_________-