DVD/Book collecion

Discussion in 'Random Picture Forum' started by eledoremassis02, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. person

    person Well-Known Member

    ^ Oh yeah, the toilet scene was pretty good. Yeah, knew they were gonna move and all, I was thinking how they were gonna kill the chick haha.

    Dawn of the Dead was a great movie. The scene where one of the bikers falls off and all the zombies attack him, that was great.

    My bro bought me the Kill Bill movies. 2 for 30 I think it was. 5 euros each is pretty cheap lol.
  2. LOLLL hahahahahha copyright text books lol touche
  3. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    Here's my dvd/vcd's/tapes collection:



    First Shelf: - VCD's

    Second Shelf: - DVD's

    Last Shelf: - TAPES

    Hehehe, all my movies that I put on dvd - [can't plenty more that I need to put on]

    I mostly download movies and then burn on dvd disc. :)
    Saves money. :p
  4. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    lol, i just noticed that no-one has posted their collection.. well apart from 3 i think. xD
    hahaha. Im guessing you all just download and have no collection to show us. hehehes. :p

    EDIT: btw I have more tapes collection that the dvd/vcd's collection. Those are stored in the cupboard most of the tapes are tvb series. hehehe. That we tape on chinese channel - only keep good ones though and my god - i still have like Heartstrings?! That was super old man! But a good series lor - aaron kwok and gigi lai. Im actaully thinking of watching that again. Such a good old classic tvb kek jap :)
  5. llhm87

    llhm87 Well-Known Member

    Woah. I like that Star Wars Trilogy. But I can't find any of them in Malaysia. :(