man, that's just the seller compensating the boy for the game. why didn't he kept it? that's how i wld see it!
i would have kept it 100%... the only reason i would consider getting rid of it, would be if it was crime related and the mafia was looking for it. but then again, if they can track it down to me, and i got rid of it... they'll probably consider killin me for givin it to the cops. so yea... i would just keep it for awhile, maybe spend a little bit, if they come back for it, then i'll give it to them and tell them i used a little =P they probably wouldn't care cuz they got most of it back.
haha i guess someone forgot to take the their money out of the hiding place b4 they sold the console.... haha its good to know some kids today have morals .. my nephew would kick me in the shins take the ice cream im eating n point and laugh while eating my ice cream as i roll on the floor in pain...evil kid!!!