hahaha....u think no ones gonna sleep with him after this....i dont think so la...i mean hes not doing nothing really outrageous here not like hes doing anything kinky....and even if so....the girls should just tell him they dont wanna be in pic who said the cams were hidden =/? man.... whoever these ppl are... they sure caused a big fuss... its like the media is obsessed with this case... some naked pictures of celebs are found... wow..big deal.. get over it already...? happens in hollywood all the time... and yes its front newspage over there too but this is going on for quite a long time already isnt it...
yeah the cams hidden. highly unlikely . in one pic bobo and edison were looking directly at the camera. close up. WHILE giving him a bj .
Even if it was scripted, this action is deemed necessary i.e. to issue a public apology and statement. Regarding repairing the computer, why throw away a computer just because he can afford a new one? He should have kept his data safe elsewhere. Apart from a nerdy hairstyle and a vague statement asking the public to help the victims, I don't think I've gotten anything else from this.
I think you are right. one report stated that he's losing sleep. So, for publicity purposes, he'll need to at least appear like he has actually lose sleep over this scandal. however, how many people out there will actually go .. poor Edison, poor Gillian, poor Cecilia or even poor Nicholas Tse and go on to delete those files from their computers? his statement is a major joke! I don't think it's fake at all. the cops confirmed it. of course the reports i read stated somewhere around 1300 pictures ... i didn't know there were over 16000 pictures.
wah 16000 i thought those were it. who owns that many pics. thats crazy and man he looks rough in that video.
hahah i think the guy aboev me was right, it wasnt that much. i just remembered incorrectly . but 1300 is still alot
edison is the man, to sleep with those girls and get them to take contently take pictures. If he wasn't a celeb, it's nothing new. It's just the celebrity factor and now everybody is calling him disgusting and nasty. Time to grow up children, how else do you think you were brought into this world? Did a magical stork drop you on the face of the earth? There are other things you can do with your partner which is probably more 'nastier'
of course celebrities have sex. and of course they are allowed to take pictures. THe point is, they shouldn't be surprised that people would take thse pictures and publicize them once they get a hand on them. Also, if edison hadnt brought his comkputer full of nude pics to repair, this woudlnt have happened. We are focusing on his stupidity and thef act that he caused embarassment to others because of it, not his sexual acts. celebrities are people too, and they have sexual urges as well.
celebrities are people are people are stupid as well. If it wasn't edison and some random stranger, nobody would've cared. It's just stupid how people are shunning him and calling him nasty. People need to get over this and move on with their lives.
see , the problem is, when edison made a stupid mistake such as this, he dragged other people along as well. Ur right that if these people weren't famous, no1 would care. But the thingi s, they ARE famous. Because of the publicity he gets, not only does he get screwed over with the world, the other celebrities will be as well because of that one mistake. Sure, u may argue that any normal person can do that, but as a celebrity, they should know that people will look very deeply into every single thing they do. It's not fair, but neither is getting more attention than regular people. There are many "normal" people who have the same amount of musical talent as edison(he doesnt have much if u ask me) yet u dont see them making millions off their albums. by deciding to go into this type of business, they just have to take the bad with the good. u want fame? be prepared to take the media attention that comes with it. besides, why cant people shun him and call him nasty? there are fans of his who worship the ground he walks on. So being a celebrity entitles him to only being liked? people have a right to form opinions about other people just for the record, i dont think that its wrong that he had sex with all those girls. its not like he raped them. The only thing he did wrong was leak it uot to the world.
I just find it interesting that he is speaking in english i mean it totally makes sence speak out in what he is most comfortable with, and express his feelings i thought the photos were fake
ye i know, in my opinion he has done nothing wrong. unless he cheated with women. but unfortunately with incidents like this he will lose his popularity though i don't see why ppl are blaming him. its not like he is commiting a crime.
well i looked at them and i thought that if it was a fake it would have been very well made bcos the lighting would be so hard to replicate as well as all the items that are recogniseable from his room all at correct angles. so when it was announced that it was true i wasn't too surprised to be honest. also hes prob speaking in english cos he knows that ppl from other countries have prob viewed it and he wants them to delete it too.
WOW...i didnt even know this happened I saw edison's chinese name in the chinese newspaper this morning and i was like....what happened to edison? There was this movie that Gillian was in...and it was something like this Its called BEYOND OUR KEN Her pictures with her ex bf were also posted online...and she had to find a way to get revenge with him Its also has daniel wu...
it no one fault but the orignal uploader, nobody held a gun to those girls head (that i know of anyways) to get them to take the picture. so why rag on edison only? why not rag on the uploader? why not rag on the girls for agreeing to take the pictures, and not making sure they were delete after they broke up? edison in some of those pictures too. i dont think he keep them to look at them. either way i think this is drag on long enough, get over it people. people in america got over vaness hugdes or whatever her name is pretty fast...