48 Organic Chem 1 51 Molecular Bio 1 (got addicted to video games the night before) 79 Biotech 1 (got 100% on the exam and didn't even get an A in the course!) 68 Operating Systems 66 Algorithms 1 51 Organic Chem 1 (Prof: good news is you passed, bad news is you have the lowest mark in the class) 62 Molecular Bio 2 51 Stats 2 66 User Interfaces 70 Sex 101 (Me: can you deduct a percent from my final grade? Prof: you're the 3rd person to ask me this...no) oddly enough, it says I'm in "good standing"
I had aerobics in the first week of the semester, but I dropped it after I found out I was the only guy in the class. I would definitely stayed in there if there were couple more guys in there.
My results finally out Cell Biology C 15 63 B General Chemistry C 15 77 A Laboratory Skills C 15 64 B Professional Studies (Molecular Biosciences) C 15 58 C Human Structure and Function C 15 73 A General Biochemistry C 15 61 B Organic Chemistry I C 15 68 B Practical Chemistry II C 15 46 D Overall: B 63.75%
(S= 65-79) (G=80-89) (E=90-97) Global G(worked hard for it because i can go into AP AmericanhHistory next year) Math S (went E-S =() Women's Chorus E ( sang and, learned nothing else T.T) Living Environment S (slept and, did hw during the class=P) Spanish2 S (I can't believe i passed considering the fact, that i fail every quiz and, test) Literature S (i was hoping for a E) Human Sexuality S ( i'm happy i pass it because i had no idea of what was going on) Auto Biography G (this i got to laugh at because i gave in Everything late including my final project which i gave at the last minute of the last day of classes) It's funny how grades go down near the end of the year (Well, that's what happens to me)
A- in English B in Biology A+ in Computer Science (oh yeah!! ^^) B+ in Critical Thinking I'm in college by the way.
Um... each science course had two parts Physics = A+, A+ Biology = A+, A+ Chemistry = A, A+ Calculus = A, A Asian Civilizations up to 1500 = A+ Human Origins and Antiquity = A+ GPA 4.35/4.50